How to Obtain an EIN Number for an Estate
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You must gather information on the deceased.pile of papershets with paper-clips #2 image by stassad from
Gather information on the deceased and responsible person: name, address, city and state where the will is probated, Social Security number, employee identification number and tax identification number. Record this information and have it available. - 2
Making application online for your EIN is the fastest and preferred method.illustration with personal computer and diagram image by Alexander Potapov from
Go online to the Internal Revenue Service website at In the search bar, type in "estate EIN." This will take you to the page where you can begin the interview process with the EIN assistant. - 3). Answer all the questions that pertain to you and the deceased. Answer as accurately as possible by referring to information on hand.
- 4). Print a copy of your EIN. Use the EIN right away for conducting business for the deceased.