Breast Cancer Signs and Treatment
Breast cancer is one of the concerns of women but it is also a type of cancer that can be identified early and treated.
Although many awareness campaigns about this disease mothers are welcome new information that can explain about symptoms, risk factors and treatments suitable.
Unlike other cancers that can be detected by a thorough check,this disorder can be detected by any woman at a mere touch of the breasts.
The more often we do this probing the chances are timely discover problems that occur in the breast.
Everything is new and the attention we pay to our body in general.
Symptoms and risk factors of cancer
Breast cancer is a malignant tumor,a cluster of cells that grow in an abnormal and uncontrolled pace.
For women, the most common type of cancer but it is not the main cause of death, precisely because it can be identified in time.
The main symptoms are:
a lump in the breast or armpit right, painless or painful
leakage or bleeding from the nipple
Changing the size or shape of breast
skin discoloration, redness or crusting around the nipple
There are various factors that increase the risk of this illness, the first age, thus increasing the chances of an age to another. Other factors that increase risk are:
Family medical history (if there were other cases of breast cancer among close relatives)
A period too early or too late menopause.
Radiotherapy, especially if exposed to at an early age for this type of treatment.
Hormones, especially when taken for long periods of time, such as contraceptive pills taken over a longer period of 3-4 years.
Diet or inadequate nutrition, which contain preservatives or carcinogenic.
Denser breast tissue than other women.
Obesity and fat diet.
Having a baby at an older age, more than 30 years.
How to identify it?
Breast cancer can be identified by palpation of the breast or mammography performed periodically. Young women should make a mammogram every two years and those over 40 years, once a year.
In addition, examination of the breasts should be a ritual that every woman should do at least once a month, without replace medical advice.
During one month you will notice changes in the texture of the breast before or after menstruation, during ovulation or in the future. If you're familiar with how your breasts look and feel to the touch, you can easily identify changes that may concern you.
There are several positions that make the examination. Thus, standing before a mirror, check the position of the breasts and nipples, they are folds of skin discoloration, with hands in three positions: hands on hips, hands raised above the head and close and hands at your sides.
Palpation is done during the shower, when the skin is damp, so that your fingers slip. Hand must move in clockwise and palpate the breast opposite hand behind your head high. Check the area around the nipple, under the armpits and around the breasts.
The best time to check the breast is one week after menstrual cycle, because the breast is not sensitive or swollen.
Take care of your body and regularly check how your breasts look, their texture or if there are signs of nodules. Do not replace the examination you do at home with a mammogram once a year or every two years.
You make your own breast examination? How often do you go to a medical examination to check the health of your breasts? Let the mothers of 30 + years forum for tips and answers to your questions!
Although many awareness campaigns about this disease mothers are welcome new information that can explain about symptoms, risk factors and treatments suitable.
Unlike other cancers that can be detected by a thorough check,this disorder can be detected by any woman at a mere touch of the breasts.
The more often we do this probing the chances are timely discover problems that occur in the breast.
Everything is new and the attention we pay to our body in general.
Symptoms and risk factors of cancer
Breast cancer is a malignant tumor,a cluster of cells that grow in an abnormal and uncontrolled pace.
For women, the most common type of cancer but it is not the main cause of death, precisely because it can be identified in time.
The main symptoms are:
a lump in the breast or armpit right, painless or painful
leakage or bleeding from the nipple
Changing the size or shape of breast
skin discoloration, redness or crusting around the nipple
There are various factors that increase the risk of this illness, the first age, thus increasing the chances of an age to another. Other factors that increase risk are:
Family medical history (if there were other cases of breast cancer among close relatives)
A period too early or too late menopause.
Radiotherapy, especially if exposed to at an early age for this type of treatment.
Hormones, especially when taken for long periods of time, such as contraceptive pills taken over a longer period of 3-4 years.
Diet or inadequate nutrition, which contain preservatives or carcinogenic.
Denser breast tissue than other women.
Obesity and fat diet.
Having a baby at an older age, more than 30 years.
How to identify it?
Breast cancer can be identified by palpation of the breast or mammography performed periodically. Young women should make a mammogram every two years and those over 40 years, once a year.
In addition, examination of the breasts should be a ritual that every woman should do at least once a month, without replace medical advice.
During one month you will notice changes in the texture of the breast before or after menstruation, during ovulation or in the future. If you're familiar with how your breasts look and feel to the touch, you can easily identify changes that may concern you.
There are several positions that make the examination. Thus, standing before a mirror, check the position of the breasts and nipples, they are folds of skin discoloration, with hands in three positions: hands on hips, hands raised above the head and close and hands at your sides.
Palpation is done during the shower, when the skin is damp, so that your fingers slip. Hand must move in clockwise and palpate the breast opposite hand behind your head high. Check the area around the nipple, under the armpits and around the breasts.
The best time to check the breast is one week after menstrual cycle, because the breast is not sensitive or swollen.
Take care of your body and regularly check how your breasts look, their texture or if there are signs of nodules. Do not replace the examination you do at home with a mammogram once a year or every two years.
You make your own breast examination? How often do you go to a medical examination to check the health of your breasts? Let the mothers of 30 + years forum for tips and answers to your questions!