How to Remember the Greek Alphabet
- 1). Create a mnemonic for the order of the alphabet. A mnemonic is a memory technique whereby you create a sentence or a string of words based on, in this case, the letters of the Greek alphabet. For example, to remember that the first five letters in the Greek alphabet are alpha, beta, gamma, delta and epsilon, you could say "All Bears Get Diarrhea Eventually" and for the next five letters, zeta, eta, theta, iota and kappa, you could say, "Zebras Ate THe Ice Kap."
- 2). Use flashcards. Practice the order of the alphabet by writing each letter on a flashcard and then shuffle the cards together. Time yourself to see how quickly you can get them in the proper order.
- 3). Write a song. Much like kindergartners learn the alphabet through a catchy song, you can do the same with the Greek alphabet. Search online for songs that other people have written or create your own. The song should be repetitive and set to a catchy tune so that it's easy to remember.
- 4). Go for a walk. With each step you take, say a letter in the Greek alphabet. See how quickly you can make your pace while still repeating the alphabet in the proper order.