Helpful Hints to Cure Tinnitus Organically
- Maintain a low volume level in your environment. Don't expose your ears to loud sounds because that will aggravate your condition. If your surroundings are too quiet, however, the whistling might be more pronounced, At night, this can lead to difficulty getting to sleep. Turn on an FM radio and tune it to a spot on the dial where there is no station, just soft white noise. Another option is to play music at a low volume level. Having this little bit of noise or music can help mask the ringing, and provide some relief.
- Certain foods are known to make tinnitus worse. Avoid eating processed foods, sugary foods, saturated fats, dairy items and salt. Avoid coffee, tea and alcohol. Replace these foods with fruits and vegetables, preferably raw and fresh rather than canned. Chewing dried fruit can help increase circulation around the ear, which might provide some comfort.
- One natural remedy that has been reported includes making a mixture of salt and hot-roasted millet seeds. Pour a few teaspoons onto a cotton ball and place it in the ear for about 10 minutes. Another reported successful treatment involves putting about 20mg of extract of the maidenhair tree (Ginkgo biloba) into the ears for several weeks to increase blood flow.
- Studies show that tinnitus can be aggravated by stress. Keep stress low by exercising, taking walks, getting massages and having reflexology work on your feet and hands. Practice relaxation techniques and get plenty of rest.
- Vitamins that have been found to be beneficial for tinnitus sufferers are vitamins A, B12, C, D and E. Find foods rife with those vitamins. Consult with a physician before taking vitamin E supplements if you are taking blood-thinning medication.
- Some medications might cause tinnitus, including aspirin and anti-inflammatory medications. The process of elimination of medications may help identify any that are causing problems. However, don't stop taking any doctor-prescribed medicines without first consulting with a physician.
Keep Volumes Low
External Ear Treatments
Reduce Stress
Natural Vitamin Therapy
Medication Causes