What Causes Itchy Skin on the Back of the Neck?
- The first thing you must check for if you have an itchy back neck is head lice. The back of the neck and behind the ears are the first places an individual itches when they get head lice. To check for head lice you need to look for small eggs called nits. They are attached to the hair shaft near the scalp. The only way to get rid of head lice is to shave your head or buy medication to use on your scalp. You can get the medication over the counter or prescription strength from your doctor.
- Psoriasis is a skin condition that is mostly inherited from a parent. It can persist for a lifetime, flaring up at different times. Psoriatic skin is thick, red and very scaly. It itches and can be found on the back of the neck. Shampoos such as Denorex can help. Doctors can also prescribe some medication that should take away the itch.
- If the back of your neck itches you may be having an allergic reaction to something. It could be as simple as using a new laundry detergent. The new detergent is on the shirt you are wearing. The collar rubbing up against your neck may be getting the new detergent on your neck. Your skin in that area may be sensitive to it, causing a rash and the itchy feeling. Benadryl can relieve this feeling and help the rash to go away.
- Eczema is a skin condition with mostly overly dry skin or patches of dry skin. These patches can become red and swollen. They itch badly. The patches can be found on the back of the neck. A doctor can prescribe a cream for you. It is also a good idea if you keep the area moisturized with lotions that don't contain perfume. Lotions with perfume will irritate the skin instead of help it get better.
Head Lice
Allergic Reaction