Allergy Proof Your Child"s Playdates
In your household, every food label is scrutinized, food surface sanitized, and hands washed frequently.
You've taught your kids well; they know as much about preventing allergic reactions as you do.
But what happens when your child heads across the street for a playdate, birthday party or sleepover? Chances are, you're the one who won't get much sleep.
Worry is natural.
Concern is necessary.
And thankfully, solutions are numerous.
Here are five top products to ease your playdate jitters.
Playdate Cards There are hundreds of choices of playdate cards, and even allergy specific ones on the market.
These cards are ideal for documenting your child's dietary and medical needs.
Autoinjector Carriers Playdate cards can provide information on how to administer epinephrine.
And keeping an autoinjector on your child at all times when they are away from you is vital.
Choose a neoprene autoinjector carrier that is designed for a child.
Check out Blue Bear Aware's selection of carriers designed for children: durable construction, easy zippers, adjustable straps for those growing spurts, and fun graphics.
Allergy Alert T-shirts Slip an allergy alert t-shirt on your child.
Gone are the days of writing your child's allergies on a strip of masking tape and slapping it on their chest.
Now, there are dozens of cute and cool allergy aware graphics on the market.
Badges For those playdates at the swimming pool or ice rink, allergy alert badges are an easy addition to other garments.
the fun way! We all know that the best defense against an allergic reaction is education.
So why not throw on Kyle Dine's CD, "You Must Be Nuts: Music All About Food Allergies" while driving the neighbourhood kids to school.
Encourage your child's teacher to play it in class, and pass it around the parents' group.
These upbeat tunes will have everyone tapping their toes! So now you have five excellent tools for that Saturday afternoon playdate.
Chances are you weren't the only nervous parent.
Parents without allergic kids are concerned they'll do the right thing.
Thanks to you, they'll be better equipped.
And everyone's day will be easier, funner and-above all-safer!
You've taught your kids well; they know as much about preventing allergic reactions as you do.
But what happens when your child heads across the street for a playdate, birthday party or sleepover? Chances are, you're the one who won't get much sleep.
Worry is natural.
Concern is necessary.
And thankfully, solutions are numerous.
Here are five top products to ease your playdate jitters.
Playdate Cards There are hundreds of choices of playdate cards, and even allergy specific ones on the market.
These cards are ideal for documenting your child's dietary and medical needs.
Autoinjector Carriers Playdate cards can provide information on how to administer epinephrine.
And keeping an autoinjector on your child at all times when they are away from you is vital.
Choose a neoprene autoinjector carrier that is designed for a child.
Check out Blue Bear Aware's selection of carriers designed for children: durable construction, easy zippers, adjustable straps for those growing spurts, and fun graphics.
Allergy Alert T-shirts Slip an allergy alert t-shirt on your child.
Gone are the days of writing your child's allergies on a strip of masking tape and slapping it on their chest.
Now, there are dozens of cute and cool allergy aware graphics on the market.
Badges For those playdates at the swimming pool or ice rink, allergy alert badges are an easy addition to other garments.
the fun way! We all know that the best defense against an allergic reaction is education.
So why not throw on Kyle Dine's CD, "You Must Be Nuts: Music All About Food Allergies" while driving the neighbourhood kids to school.
Encourage your child's teacher to play it in class, and pass it around the parents' group.
These upbeat tunes will have everyone tapping their toes! So now you have five excellent tools for that Saturday afternoon playdate.
Chances are you weren't the only nervous parent.
Parents without allergic kids are concerned they'll do the right thing.
Thanks to you, they'll be better equipped.
And everyone's day will be easier, funner and-above all-safer!