Prostate Cancer - Prostate Enlargement - What is Your PSA? - What You Need to Know
It is 1:00 in the am.
You have been to the bathroom 4 times since going to bed at 10:00pm You are traveling for business reasons.
You rush to get to the next rest stop to use the bathroom.
You get there and in using the bathroom only a few dribbles comes out.
Vacation is a great time for some R&R.
You are lounging at your favorite vacation spot.
All of a sudden the urge hit you, you run to the bathroom and have to wait seemly a long wait before any thing happens from the bladder.
Then you say to yourself 'why is it taking so long', what is going on here? WHAT IS HAPPENING? The situations mentioned above clearly indicate some Prostate issues, Benign Prostatic Hypertrophy(BHP) and/or Prostatitis.
Benign Prostatic Hypertrophy (enlarged prostate gland) and Prostatitis (inflammation of the prostate) are the most common prostate conditions.
There is no evidence that either of these conditions leads to cancer, but it is possible to have one or both and also develop cancer.
(AMA) Usually, when there is a prostate issue the PSA levels can be a barometer of concern.
When PSA levels are higher than normal care and concern should be high on your priority list.
Alternative treatments like Saw palmetto is greatly valued and is now also gaining acceptance by conventional doctors as an adjunct to shrink prostate tissue Prostate Specific Antigen(PSA) is a protein produced by the cells of the prostate gland.
Low levels of PSA in the blood is normal, however when PSA levels are higher than normal it could imply that cancer is present.
Prostate cancer often produces higher levels of Prostate Specific Antigens.
For this reason PSA can be a measurement for prostate cancer.
Because PSA is produced by the body and can be used to detect disease, doctors call it a disease marker or tumor marker.
However, it is important to note that non-cancerous prostate conditions can also raise PSA levels.
PSA level alone does not give a doctor enough to distinguish between benign prostate conditions and prostate cancer, additional test are needed.
In prostatic hypertrophy and prostate cancer the prostate overgrows for several reasons.
Male hormones (androgens) have considerable influence on the growth.
Researchers have found that abnormal growth of these tissues often corresponds to deficiencies in glutathione enzymes.
Several researchers propose that deficiencies in the glutathione enzyme system increases the likelihood of developing both an enlarged prostate and prostate cancer.
PROSTATE CANCER An article in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute claims that androgen stimulate free radical damage and deplete glutathione.
Since glutathione levels decline in males as they age, the article suggest that "unopposed androgen pro-oxidant stress" contributes to prostatic cancer.
A very large study by the National Cancer Institute determined that selenium supplementation dramatically diminish the incidence of prostatic cancer in the selenium supplementation group.
A more recent study from Harvard University confirms that higher selenium levels go hand-in-hand with a decreased of prostate cancer.
Those with the highest selenium levels had the lowest chances of developing prostate cancer.
Note that selenium is only biologically active-- and only has health benefits-- when it is part of the enzyme glutathione peroxidase.
Studies using undenatured whey protein to raise glutathione levels are underway at McGill and Harvard University where its usefulness in the treatment of prostate cancer is being weighed.
CASE STUDY: Franklin was a semi-retired general practitioner who at the age 68 scored a PSA reading of over 8 micrograms/liter on screening exam, suggesting a high possibility of prostate cancer.
In continued tests, a urologist took a biopsy and confirmed the diagnosis.
Four out of Franklin six biopsy sites tested positive for high grade tumor.
Franklin delayed aggressive treatments and opted to take 30 grams of undenatured whey protein isolate that raises glutathione levels.
Bimonthly PSA levels showed a gradual decline, his latest reading being 3.
8 u/l.
He is still being closely followed by his urologist.
CONCLUSION: Oxidative damage and low glutathione levels has been implicated in the onset and development of many prostate problems, including cancer.
Glutathione supplement may provide protection against carcinogenesis(cancer causing agents) in this gland or at least slow the development of the disease.
You have been to the bathroom 4 times since going to bed at 10:00pm You are traveling for business reasons.
You rush to get to the next rest stop to use the bathroom.
You get there and in using the bathroom only a few dribbles comes out.
Vacation is a great time for some R&R.
You are lounging at your favorite vacation spot.
All of a sudden the urge hit you, you run to the bathroom and have to wait seemly a long wait before any thing happens from the bladder.
Then you say to yourself 'why is it taking so long', what is going on here? WHAT IS HAPPENING? The situations mentioned above clearly indicate some Prostate issues, Benign Prostatic Hypertrophy(BHP) and/or Prostatitis.
Benign Prostatic Hypertrophy (enlarged prostate gland) and Prostatitis (inflammation of the prostate) are the most common prostate conditions.
There is no evidence that either of these conditions leads to cancer, but it is possible to have one or both and also develop cancer.
(AMA) Usually, when there is a prostate issue the PSA levels can be a barometer of concern.
When PSA levels are higher than normal care and concern should be high on your priority list.
Alternative treatments like Saw palmetto is greatly valued and is now also gaining acceptance by conventional doctors as an adjunct to shrink prostate tissue Prostate Specific Antigen(PSA) is a protein produced by the cells of the prostate gland.
Low levels of PSA in the blood is normal, however when PSA levels are higher than normal it could imply that cancer is present.
Prostate cancer often produces higher levels of Prostate Specific Antigens.
For this reason PSA can be a measurement for prostate cancer.
Because PSA is produced by the body and can be used to detect disease, doctors call it a disease marker or tumor marker.
However, it is important to note that non-cancerous prostate conditions can also raise PSA levels.
PSA level alone does not give a doctor enough to distinguish between benign prostate conditions and prostate cancer, additional test are needed.
In prostatic hypertrophy and prostate cancer the prostate overgrows for several reasons.
Male hormones (androgens) have considerable influence on the growth.
Researchers have found that abnormal growth of these tissues often corresponds to deficiencies in glutathione enzymes.
Several researchers propose that deficiencies in the glutathione enzyme system increases the likelihood of developing both an enlarged prostate and prostate cancer.
PROSTATE CANCER An article in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute claims that androgen stimulate free radical damage and deplete glutathione.
Since glutathione levels decline in males as they age, the article suggest that "unopposed androgen pro-oxidant stress" contributes to prostatic cancer.
A very large study by the National Cancer Institute determined that selenium supplementation dramatically diminish the incidence of prostatic cancer in the selenium supplementation group.
A more recent study from Harvard University confirms that higher selenium levels go hand-in-hand with a decreased of prostate cancer.
Those with the highest selenium levels had the lowest chances of developing prostate cancer.
Note that selenium is only biologically active-- and only has health benefits-- when it is part of the enzyme glutathione peroxidase.
Studies using undenatured whey protein to raise glutathione levels are underway at McGill and Harvard University where its usefulness in the treatment of prostate cancer is being weighed.
CASE STUDY: Franklin was a semi-retired general practitioner who at the age 68 scored a PSA reading of over 8 micrograms/liter on screening exam, suggesting a high possibility of prostate cancer.
In continued tests, a urologist took a biopsy and confirmed the diagnosis.
Four out of Franklin six biopsy sites tested positive for high grade tumor.
Franklin delayed aggressive treatments and opted to take 30 grams of undenatured whey protein isolate that raises glutathione levels.
Bimonthly PSA levels showed a gradual decline, his latest reading being 3.
8 u/l.
He is still being closely followed by his urologist.
CONCLUSION: Oxidative damage and low glutathione levels has been implicated in the onset and development of many prostate problems, including cancer.
Glutathione supplement may provide protection against carcinogenesis(cancer causing agents) in this gland or at least slow the development of the disease.