Sciatic Nerve Treatments for Pain
- An injection may be the first step in relieving sciatic nerve pain. The sciatic nerve is located relatively deep in the gluteus muscle area and near the lower back. This location can make it difficult to apply topical creams that could help induce heat and relief. So the sciatic nerve roots are injected with steroids and a local anesthetic to temporarily relieve pain and reduce inflammation in the surrounding area. Results may vary among patients. Some doctors incorporate physical therapy along with the injection because the numbed nerve may make it easier to manipulate surrounding muscles, such as the piriformis, that could be causing sciatic nerve pressure.
- A more invasive option for sciatic nerve pain relief is surgery. Surgery becomes an option for some patients because physical therapy may be difficult due to a broken leg, arthritis or other condition and because an injection may not be feasible or long-lasting. If the piriformis muscle is the cause of sciatic nerve pain, the surgeon will cut the piriformis tendon where it connects to the hip bone for pressure relief. If sciatic pain is caused by a herniated disc, the surgeon may make an incision in the back and cut away the bone that's chipping on the nerve. The surgeon also may insert rods and screws to hold bones in place while a bone graft is injected to re-grow the removed bone.
- Eastern medicine often recommends acupuncture as a way to cure ailments. Acupuncture refers to the use of sterile needles carefully placed in specific body parts for between 30 minutes and an hour. The placement activates channels to allow healing fluids to pass through pained areas, such as the sciatic nerve. Acupuncture specialists may conduct an interview to determine the source of sciatic nerve pain. Places along the leg and ear may be used as acupuncture sites to alleviate sciatic nerve pain; depending on what the specialist deems is the cause of your sciatic nerve pain. Deep massage, stretching and electric stimulation may be incorporated for post-treatment healing.