Face To Face With Facebooks Fake Page Rip-off
Just as a desperate man stalks a woman he like in high hopes to finally land a date with her, so too have Facebook scammers covertly watch their unsuspecting preys. Despite Facebooks efforts to heighten their security features to purge online scammers waiting to get to an unsuspecting user, con artists still seem to find new ways to outwit Facebook and its users. Proof is the bunch of Facebook scams rapidly spreading like wildfire online and we actually tackled the top 10 most common Facebook Scams here.
In this article, we are to highlight one of the most common rip-offs innocent online users like you, my dear reader, may come acrossthe so-called Fake Page Scam.
Fan Pages: What Are They?
In the past few years, more and more Facebook users are becoming hooked to different Facebook fan pages. Aside from the fact that this feature is meant to cater the needs of business owners, organizations and brands to effectively engage and grow their audience, fan pages are also built for people who like to get updates from their favorite bands or artists in their news feeds. Lets say for example you would like to stay in the loop of whats happening with your favorite TV show like Greys Anatomy, or want to get the latest scoop about Selena Gomez and Justin Bieber, you can just look up their fan pages in Facebook, hit the famous Like button and Voila! You get instant updates in your news feeds about them.
Fake Page Scams: On the Rise
There is already a plethora of fake page (and profile) accounts sitting around Facebook, waiting to ensnare unwary Facebook users. In fact, in an updated regulatory filing released last 12th of August, the social media company said that 8.7 percent of its 955 million monthly active users worldwide are actually duplicate or false accounts, said CNNs Heather Kelly. This is very alarming, indeed.
The Nasty Tricks of Fake Pages
So how do fake pages operate?
To draw attention, crooks behind fake pages usually offers some type of feature that is not offered by Facebook, for instance, the Dislike button. Or they can set up a non-existent prize if you forward it to your own Facebook friends.
Fake pages are usually created by hackers whose main objective is to pilfer personal information from users after hitting the LIKE button or opting to attend an event of the page. Sometimes scammers use fake pages as a front for a clickjacking or phishing scheme.
Dont be a Victim of FaceCrooks
Ok, so youre now aware about Fake Page schemes and maybe, just maybe you have seen some of the lures as well. Knowing the fact that there are a growing number of scams that can take over your Facebook accountor worse, your LIFE, arming yourself with a few but handy practical ways can help you ensure that you won't become the next prey of these nasty scams.
Fake Fan Pages are tools of Scammers, Bullies and Thieves to take advantage of others using Facebook. Dont be their next victim. Check out some of the precautions you can take by heading on to http://facecrooks.com today!
In this article, we are to highlight one of the most common rip-offs innocent online users like you, my dear reader, may come acrossthe so-called Fake Page Scam.
Fan Pages: What Are They?
In the past few years, more and more Facebook users are becoming hooked to different Facebook fan pages. Aside from the fact that this feature is meant to cater the needs of business owners, organizations and brands to effectively engage and grow their audience, fan pages are also built for people who like to get updates from their favorite bands or artists in their news feeds. Lets say for example you would like to stay in the loop of whats happening with your favorite TV show like Greys Anatomy, or want to get the latest scoop about Selena Gomez and Justin Bieber, you can just look up their fan pages in Facebook, hit the famous Like button and Voila! You get instant updates in your news feeds about them.
Fake Page Scams: On the Rise
There is already a plethora of fake page (and profile) accounts sitting around Facebook, waiting to ensnare unwary Facebook users. In fact, in an updated regulatory filing released last 12th of August, the social media company said that 8.7 percent of its 955 million monthly active users worldwide are actually duplicate or false accounts, said CNNs Heather Kelly. This is very alarming, indeed.
The Nasty Tricks of Fake Pages
So how do fake pages operate?
To draw attention, crooks behind fake pages usually offers some type of feature that is not offered by Facebook, for instance, the Dislike button. Or they can set up a non-existent prize if you forward it to your own Facebook friends.
Fake pages are usually created by hackers whose main objective is to pilfer personal information from users after hitting the LIKE button or opting to attend an event of the page. Sometimes scammers use fake pages as a front for a clickjacking or phishing scheme.
Dont be a Victim of FaceCrooks
Ok, so youre now aware about Fake Page schemes and maybe, just maybe you have seen some of the lures as well. Knowing the fact that there are a growing number of scams that can take over your Facebook accountor worse, your LIFE, arming yourself with a few but handy practical ways can help you ensure that you won't become the next prey of these nasty scams.
Fake Fan Pages are tools of Scammers, Bullies and Thieves to take advantage of others using Facebook. Dont be their next victim. Check out some of the precautions you can take by heading on to http://facecrooks.com today!