Article Marketing For List Building - 5 Interesting Methods To Increased Sign Up Rate
1.Discuss interesting, timely topics. The first step is to capture the attention of your prospects and get them to read your articles. This will happen if you talk about something that they find really, really interesting and useful. To know exactly what they need, I recommend that you follow them on forums and blogs that they usually visit. Read their conversations with other people and you'll surely get an idea about their common problems and the things that they're dying to know about. Write those that are related to what you sell so you can easily pitch in your products and services on your resource box.
2.Prove your expertise. Keep in mind that online users will only sign up to your newsletters if they have a guarantee that you're a good source of useful, timely information. Make your articles speak volumes about your expertise by loading them with compelling data and in-depth information. Offer your readers with the answers to their burning questions and find ways to help them solve their pressing issues. Help them reach their goals by simply telling them what you know and by sharing with them some of your related experiences.
3.Put your readers at ease. People who are reading your articles will surely have an idea about your personality and your work ethics. If you want to them to consider doing business with you later on, you must project an image of professionalism on your articles. You also need to put these people at ease and get them to like you. Write as if you're talking to a dear friend. Be passionate, be concern, and be willing to go extra length to ensure that you'll be able to help your readers.
4.Avoid selling your products on your article body. Here's the truth; your readers will not be pleased if you focus on talking about what you offer on your article body. Remember, these people are looking for information. They want answers to their questions and solutions to their problems. So, give them what they need if you want them to click through your resource box, go to your squeeze page, and sign up to your email marketing list.
5.Distribute your articles. Last step is to distribute your articles. Make sure that you only use those directories that are very popular and those that attract millions of online users everyday. You can also use your FaceBook, Twitter, and your blog in popularizing your articles and in reaching out to as many potential clients as possible.