5 Ways to Fight Cravings
Eating healthy is hard...
especially when you get these crazy cravings for foods that aren't good for you! I've been there...
especially during my first trimester of this pregnancy...
oh boy have I been there! So how are you supposed to lose weight when all you want to do is eat sweets? Here are five of my tips for fighting cravings so you can lose weight and be healthy! 1.
When a craving hits, distract yourself.
Go for a walk, read a book, start to clean, workout, get out of the house! Usually after a couple of minutes the craving will go away and you'll either have a cleaner house or have squeezed in some extra fitness! 2.
Tell yourself you'll eat an apple first.
If you're truly hungry, the apple will fill you up a bit so you won't overindulge on your craving.
If you're not hungry, it won't look as good, and that's when you know to go to step 1: distraction.
Drink some water.
A lot of times your body will tell you it's hungry, but in reality you're dehydrated.
Drink a glass of water and wait a couple of minutes.
If it's true hunger, then reach for a healthier alternative.
Get some sleep.
Between 7-9 hours/night is recommended for most people.
I know that when I don't get enough sleep, I end up overeating the next day...
which is why I try to make sure I get on a good schedule so I can get some rest.
Swap your craving for something healthy.
I've been making healthy swaps of my old favorite foods for years, and now I much prefer my healthy pizza, banana ice cream, raw organic truffles and whole wheat pasta to any of the other junk I used to have.
I know that my body does not function as well on the other food and that it will give me a massive stomach ache if I do indulge.
The healthier food now tastes better to me, and my cravings are now for healthier foods like Shakeology ice cream or a fruit salad.
Don't worry if you're not there yet.
It took me some time to get to that point.
Once you're there though, your cravings will definitely subside and you'll catch yourself wanting salad instead of a burger! Am I telling you to never eat cake or ice cream ever again? No way! I DO indulge in moderation on special occasions...
the key is moderation and to make sure it's not an every day occurrence.
Remember, your body runs on the food you fuel it with...
do you want to be running on junk or clean fuel?
especially when you get these crazy cravings for foods that aren't good for you! I've been there...
especially during my first trimester of this pregnancy...
oh boy have I been there! So how are you supposed to lose weight when all you want to do is eat sweets? Here are five of my tips for fighting cravings so you can lose weight and be healthy! 1.
When a craving hits, distract yourself.
Go for a walk, read a book, start to clean, workout, get out of the house! Usually after a couple of minutes the craving will go away and you'll either have a cleaner house or have squeezed in some extra fitness! 2.
Tell yourself you'll eat an apple first.
If you're truly hungry, the apple will fill you up a bit so you won't overindulge on your craving.
If you're not hungry, it won't look as good, and that's when you know to go to step 1: distraction.
Drink some water.
A lot of times your body will tell you it's hungry, but in reality you're dehydrated.
Drink a glass of water and wait a couple of minutes.
If it's true hunger, then reach for a healthier alternative.
Get some sleep.
Between 7-9 hours/night is recommended for most people.
I know that when I don't get enough sleep, I end up overeating the next day...
which is why I try to make sure I get on a good schedule so I can get some rest.
Swap your craving for something healthy.
I've been making healthy swaps of my old favorite foods for years, and now I much prefer my healthy pizza, banana ice cream, raw organic truffles and whole wheat pasta to any of the other junk I used to have.
I know that my body does not function as well on the other food and that it will give me a massive stomach ache if I do indulge.
The healthier food now tastes better to me, and my cravings are now for healthier foods like Shakeology ice cream or a fruit salad.
Don't worry if you're not there yet.
It took me some time to get to that point.
Once you're there though, your cravings will definitely subside and you'll catch yourself wanting salad instead of a burger! Am I telling you to never eat cake or ice cream ever again? No way! I DO indulge in moderation on special occasions...
the key is moderation and to make sure it's not an every day occurrence.
Remember, your body runs on the food you fuel it with...
do you want to be running on junk or clean fuel?