Naturally Limitless: A World Where Gratitude IS Utopia
The world is mostly made up of gated communities where most of the world are members of "leisure communities".
They have "virtual" existences.
The life simulators do their travelling, their entertainment, their sports, their eating, their drinking, their sex, EVERYTHING, FOR them.
Those who control the virtual life simulators, the microlife managers, are involved in every detail, by scanning past, present and future continuously.
The micro managers only additional function, besides keeping the virtual life simulators running, is to keep the poorest and those banned from the gated communities, ie those who were politically incorrect, ie defiant,) struggling to physically survive.
In other words the micro managers job is to continuously bully and provoke these "alien consciousnesses" as they are labelled, so they are depleted of physical energy, so that they have physical survival always as their priority.
A micro life manager learns about a new economy that the banned and the poorest have developed, where the banned and the poorest begin to self communicate, by reflecting on their experiences.
These unique story experiences that they tell themselves enable them to enjoy and have limitless gratitude for the simplest and the least pleasures of life.
They begin to be able to have stockpiles of food and other resources.
They begin to become a free community where everyone values self communication where positive communication of gratitude for trauma and vulnerability becomes "currency".
In other words all the hardships that they have awareness of, become, as a result of uniqueness reflection, priceless limitless EXPERIENCE currency.
The micro life managers want the limitlessness of this life as art communication and thus begins the bottom up teaching that results in realistic utopias.
Instead of a final utopia however, realistic utopias develop into competitive utopias based on providing ever better and better communities based on gratitude for traumas, except now, instead of traumas inflicted upon people by others, there are only traumas that occur as a result of unintentional accidents and/or natural catastrophes.
Greed, and crime is is gone because everyone values uniqueness and everyone now communicates competitive missions based on freedom from comparisons, ie people compete with self life art in itself, ie they compete with how grateful they are and how simply they can live.
Each community tries to out do the other in self life as art stories.
With each passing generation, everyone tries to compete to provide more gratitude for having more and more, simplicity in their life, more and more justice, more and more fairness and more and more uniqueness in their respective communities.