You Have to Make Green to Be Green
Many eons ago, a very famous frog proclaimed "it ain't easy being green.
" Only now am I truly willing to expend the intellectual capital in my aging and occasionally faltering mind to attempt to decode the depth of his generation-changing message...
hey, I had some free time, what can I say? Could it possibly be that, way back then, our old friend Kermit the Frog actually foresaw the importance of better stewardship of our planet and how the green movement (as we now refer to it) would engulf our society? Was he some sort of Nostradamus of the amphibian world? I had to answer that burning question for myself, so I invested countless hours reviewing The Muppet Show films.
After in-depth analysis and careful consideration, I am left to opine that Kermit, legend of the hand-puppet world, was clearly referring to something altogether different.
However, due to the fact that I have already spent far too much time coming up with my angle for this article and I'm too far down the path to turn back now, I'm stickin' with my original theory.
And my answer is...
He was a frog, after all, and, therefore, most likely an outdoorsy-kind of guy.
Plus, he clearly had more than his fair share of cash in hand-thus, a renaissance man without question.
Scholars far and wide continue to contemplate, argue and debate over the true meaning of Kermit's words of wisdom.
Even after all these years, green continues to be a confusing concept for many of us to wrap our heads around.
You see, in this day 'n age, being green seems to refer to those who are trying to be environmentally conscious.
Back in my day, being green meant someone who could put money in the bank-some greenbacks.
Kermit, however, was clearly alluding to the fact that his skin was green, and that made him different but still okay-and maybe even special.
But, I argue this: Why can't you make money and be environmentally conscious and, thereby, be different? Like a great American fast-food chain once said, "Different is good!" I'll go one step further and say that if your business ain't making green (money), then you shouldn't worry about being green (environmentally friendly), and only those that have the grit and the guts to admit that out loud would be considered green (different) in my book.
There you have it-I said it.
Send all your hate mail directly to my inbox.
I know, I know, Howard is a bad, bad man because he still believes that making money is the core reason for anyone to own and operate a business.
Let's be clear, I like doing good every bit as much as the next guy, but I'm old school.
I believe that in order for us to do good for others (for very long, anyway), we must first do good for ourselves.
I attempt to ingrain this sort of thinking into my kids.
Before my children are allowed to participate in extracurricular activities that benefit others, they must first be very good at delivering quality results on their core tasks and responsibilities that first and foremost benefit themselves.
Translation they must get good grades before they can be a member of a team or before they can serve the greater good.
In our restaurant consulting practice, we impart same sort of thinking to our clients.
Before any owner should think about giving to charitable contributions or local schools, he must first be making a profit.
Duh, right? You think I'm kidding, but we see entrepreneurs all the time who have miserable profit and loss statements, yet they are giving dollars away to all types of causes.
I let them know right out of the chute that they probably won't be able to buy the school new uniforms after they've lost their homes and their life savings.
Seemingly, everyone has his own idea of what it means to be green (the environmentally conscious kind), and it isn't just about global warming! Based on what I've read, many are still arguing about whether or not the actions we take today, as individuals and society as a whole, will even make a lasting impact on earth tomorrow.
Many scientists say the planet is being harmed by actions of the human race, while other scientists say that this is simply not the case at all.
But is that a debate we even want to be a part of? I, for one, am a restaurant guy and have zero interest in spending hours digging through reams of data trying to figure out whether or not the world will come to a premature end 5,000 years from now, simply because I didn't leave an appropriate carbon footprint, whatever that is.
Besides, the food sitting in my walk-in will be way past its shelf life by then, and I don't even know if Americans will being seeking different flavor profiles thousands of years from now.
See, I have all kinds of other stuff to worry about.
Certainly, I can't be the only one who noticed that the green movement was super intense and filled with significant energy (pun intended) prior to the economic downturn, and then, when the economy tanked, the green movement ran out of gas right along with it (pun intended again).
Now, in early 2012, with the economic trend on a seemingly positive upswing...
well, guess what? The green movement is once again beginning to sprout back to life (sorry, couldn't help myself).
So, what happened? Was it that people didn't care about the planet's health anymore? No, of course not.
It's because we must take care of our core responsibilities before we do the extracurricular ones, just like my kids.
The big boys-the ones who really make the loudest noise about any new message-had to focus on making a few greenbacks.
They, just like the rest of us, had to get their financial houses in order by cutting food and labor costs and doing what was necessary to drive traffic, transactions, and top-line sales results.
In short, they became more focused on what was happening to their employees, their customers and their businesses here and now rather than what may or may not happen to mankind in the all-too-distant future.
Does that mean that I don't think you should do your part to be environmentally conscious? Absolutely not! In fact, just like Kermit, I am very much an outdoorsman.
I love the woods, the water, the mountains, the lakes and the rivers.
But you can only do what you can do based on the resources you have to put towards it.
This way of thinking, I call being planet positive.
Planet positive is simply this: the more resources you, yourself, can generate, the more of a positive impact you can make on the planet and others sharing it with you.
Everyone understands that a national chain has significantly more resources (financial, human and otherwise) to implement all of the new-fangled environmental strategies.
Clearly, an independent restaurant would not have any where near that kind of coin.
But that doesn't matter.
The key is doing the best you can do with the resources that you have.
So, let me help you make more money so you can be more environmentally conscious, and that will make you different.
Here goes: Green Strategy #1: Don't jump off the cliff.
I see it far too often-an entrepreneur wakes up one day with an epiphany that he is going to turn over a new leaf by making his restaurant environmentally friendly.
He calls an emergency staff meeting requiring dozens of people to waste valuable fossil fuel to drive to the restaurant.
He discusses the "changes that are going to be happening around this place," and he rolls out the new plates and cups that he just had specially delivered.
He proudly displays his fancy new plastic trash bins and the new 35,000-word recycling policy.
Then, two months pass and the entire program-the one that he spent hours and hours crafting and reams of paper writing it on-has been flushed down the toilet (wasting valuable water in the process, by the way).
So, think before you leap, and then stick to it.
Green Strategy #2: Change wasteful behavior.
Being green is all about being conscious about waste, recycling those things that can be recycled, and getting full value out of those things that continue to do the job.
I am amazed at the number of people who tell me they just rolled out a new environmentally-friendly policy, and as they were rolling out this new-fangled program, they tossed out all kinds of good stuff that worked perfectly fine.
That's silly! Don't waste, and you are already well on your way to making a green mark and saving money.
Green Strategy #3: Reduce deliveries.
There are way too many broad-line truck deliveries to the average restaurant.
Not only will reducing the number of deliveries reduce the use of fuel to get your food to your restaurant, but it will also reduce your delivery cost.
Your larger orders will improve your purchasing power and end up lowering your food cost.
Green Strategy #4: Get schedules right: Stop over-staffing your schedules during off-peak periods.
You will lower your labor cost and cut down on gas wasted by your employees.
This more productive labor usage will cause more green to drop right into your pocket.
Green Strategy #5: Quit running print ads: Well, just the dumb ones that don't work.
It's a waste of time, money and paper.
Instead, create more effective and efficient print campaigns, and you will make more green.
Green Strategy #6: Celebrate making money and giving back: It's ok-you are a FOR-PROFIT restaurant after all.
Talk, train and celebrate all the different ways you can honestly and ethically make money in your restaurant, and once the profits come to bear, celebrate the results by giving back.
In the end, all I can say is this: By being planet positive and highly profitable, you will make your competitors green with envy and you will leap to the front of the pack.
" Only now am I truly willing to expend the intellectual capital in my aging and occasionally faltering mind to attempt to decode the depth of his generation-changing message...
hey, I had some free time, what can I say? Could it possibly be that, way back then, our old friend Kermit the Frog actually foresaw the importance of better stewardship of our planet and how the green movement (as we now refer to it) would engulf our society? Was he some sort of Nostradamus of the amphibian world? I had to answer that burning question for myself, so I invested countless hours reviewing The Muppet Show films.
After in-depth analysis and careful consideration, I am left to opine that Kermit, legend of the hand-puppet world, was clearly referring to something altogether different.
However, due to the fact that I have already spent far too much time coming up with my angle for this article and I'm too far down the path to turn back now, I'm stickin' with my original theory.
And my answer is...
He was a frog, after all, and, therefore, most likely an outdoorsy-kind of guy.
Plus, he clearly had more than his fair share of cash in hand-thus, a renaissance man without question.
Scholars far and wide continue to contemplate, argue and debate over the true meaning of Kermit's words of wisdom.
Even after all these years, green continues to be a confusing concept for many of us to wrap our heads around.
You see, in this day 'n age, being green seems to refer to those who are trying to be environmentally conscious.
Back in my day, being green meant someone who could put money in the bank-some greenbacks.
Kermit, however, was clearly alluding to the fact that his skin was green, and that made him different but still okay-and maybe even special.
But, I argue this: Why can't you make money and be environmentally conscious and, thereby, be different? Like a great American fast-food chain once said, "Different is good!" I'll go one step further and say that if your business ain't making green (money), then you shouldn't worry about being green (environmentally friendly), and only those that have the grit and the guts to admit that out loud would be considered green (different) in my book.
There you have it-I said it.
Send all your hate mail directly to my inbox.
I know, I know, Howard is a bad, bad man because he still believes that making money is the core reason for anyone to own and operate a business.
Let's be clear, I like doing good every bit as much as the next guy, but I'm old school.
I believe that in order for us to do good for others (for very long, anyway), we must first do good for ourselves.
I attempt to ingrain this sort of thinking into my kids.
Before my children are allowed to participate in extracurricular activities that benefit others, they must first be very good at delivering quality results on their core tasks and responsibilities that first and foremost benefit themselves.
Translation they must get good grades before they can be a member of a team or before they can serve the greater good.
In our restaurant consulting practice, we impart same sort of thinking to our clients.
Before any owner should think about giving to charitable contributions or local schools, he must first be making a profit.
Duh, right? You think I'm kidding, but we see entrepreneurs all the time who have miserable profit and loss statements, yet they are giving dollars away to all types of causes.
I let them know right out of the chute that they probably won't be able to buy the school new uniforms after they've lost their homes and their life savings.
Seemingly, everyone has his own idea of what it means to be green (the environmentally conscious kind), and it isn't just about global warming! Based on what I've read, many are still arguing about whether or not the actions we take today, as individuals and society as a whole, will even make a lasting impact on earth tomorrow.
Many scientists say the planet is being harmed by actions of the human race, while other scientists say that this is simply not the case at all.
But is that a debate we even want to be a part of? I, for one, am a restaurant guy and have zero interest in spending hours digging through reams of data trying to figure out whether or not the world will come to a premature end 5,000 years from now, simply because I didn't leave an appropriate carbon footprint, whatever that is.
Besides, the food sitting in my walk-in will be way past its shelf life by then, and I don't even know if Americans will being seeking different flavor profiles thousands of years from now.
See, I have all kinds of other stuff to worry about.
Certainly, I can't be the only one who noticed that the green movement was super intense and filled with significant energy (pun intended) prior to the economic downturn, and then, when the economy tanked, the green movement ran out of gas right along with it (pun intended again).
Now, in early 2012, with the economic trend on a seemingly positive upswing...
well, guess what? The green movement is once again beginning to sprout back to life (sorry, couldn't help myself).
So, what happened? Was it that people didn't care about the planet's health anymore? No, of course not.
It's because we must take care of our core responsibilities before we do the extracurricular ones, just like my kids.
The big boys-the ones who really make the loudest noise about any new message-had to focus on making a few greenbacks.
They, just like the rest of us, had to get their financial houses in order by cutting food and labor costs and doing what was necessary to drive traffic, transactions, and top-line sales results.
In short, they became more focused on what was happening to their employees, their customers and their businesses here and now rather than what may or may not happen to mankind in the all-too-distant future.
Does that mean that I don't think you should do your part to be environmentally conscious? Absolutely not! In fact, just like Kermit, I am very much an outdoorsman.
I love the woods, the water, the mountains, the lakes and the rivers.
But you can only do what you can do based on the resources you have to put towards it.
This way of thinking, I call being planet positive.
Planet positive is simply this: the more resources you, yourself, can generate, the more of a positive impact you can make on the planet and others sharing it with you.
Everyone understands that a national chain has significantly more resources (financial, human and otherwise) to implement all of the new-fangled environmental strategies.
Clearly, an independent restaurant would not have any where near that kind of coin.
But that doesn't matter.
The key is doing the best you can do with the resources that you have.
So, let me help you make more money so you can be more environmentally conscious, and that will make you different.
Here goes: Green Strategy #1: Don't jump off the cliff.
I see it far too often-an entrepreneur wakes up one day with an epiphany that he is going to turn over a new leaf by making his restaurant environmentally friendly.
He calls an emergency staff meeting requiring dozens of people to waste valuable fossil fuel to drive to the restaurant.
He discusses the "changes that are going to be happening around this place," and he rolls out the new plates and cups that he just had specially delivered.
He proudly displays his fancy new plastic trash bins and the new 35,000-word recycling policy.
Then, two months pass and the entire program-the one that he spent hours and hours crafting and reams of paper writing it on-has been flushed down the toilet (wasting valuable water in the process, by the way).
So, think before you leap, and then stick to it.
Green Strategy #2: Change wasteful behavior.
Being green is all about being conscious about waste, recycling those things that can be recycled, and getting full value out of those things that continue to do the job.
I am amazed at the number of people who tell me they just rolled out a new environmentally-friendly policy, and as they were rolling out this new-fangled program, they tossed out all kinds of good stuff that worked perfectly fine.
That's silly! Don't waste, and you are already well on your way to making a green mark and saving money.
Green Strategy #3: Reduce deliveries.
There are way too many broad-line truck deliveries to the average restaurant.
Not only will reducing the number of deliveries reduce the use of fuel to get your food to your restaurant, but it will also reduce your delivery cost.
Your larger orders will improve your purchasing power and end up lowering your food cost.
Green Strategy #4: Get schedules right: Stop over-staffing your schedules during off-peak periods.
You will lower your labor cost and cut down on gas wasted by your employees.
This more productive labor usage will cause more green to drop right into your pocket.
Green Strategy #5: Quit running print ads: Well, just the dumb ones that don't work.
It's a waste of time, money and paper.
Instead, create more effective and efficient print campaigns, and you will make more green.
Green Strategy #6: Celebrate making money and giving back: It's ok-you are a FOR-PROFIT restaurant after all.
Talk, train and celebrate all the different ways you can honestly and ethically make money in your restaurant, and once the profits come to bear, celebrate the results by giving back.
In the end, all I can say is this: By being planet positive and highly profitable, you will make your competitors green with envy and you will leap to the front of the pack.