Pacific Island Grants
- Grants for the Pacific Islands often support environmental programs.Pacific Ocean image by K. Zavtrikovaite from
The Pacific islands include nearly 30,000 islands in the western and central Pacific ocean. A few of those islands are states or territories of the United States, including Hawaii, American Samoa and Guam, The Pacific islands have access to grants from the U.S. government, private U.S. foundations and organizations located in the Pacific region or in other countries with interests in the population and environment of the region. Grants for islands in the Pacific ocean often focus on conservation, development and self-sufficiency, public health and cultural preservation. - The A&B Foundation provides grants to 501(c)(3) organizations in the areas of education, health and human services, community culture and arts and maritime and the environment. Grants support operating costs, special projects, startup expenses and capital projects. The foundation supports programs responding to community needs and provide opportunities for A&B company employees to volunteer.
Organizations located in Hawaii and the Pacific islands must submit grant requests to the foundation's Honolulu office. Application deadlines are the first day of the months of December, February, April, June, August and October. The foundation's Hawaii Contributions Committee meets each month following a deadline month, but only considers grant requests over $20,000 in March and September.
Hawaii Contributions Committee
Alexander & Baldwin Foundation
c/o Alexander & Baldwin, Inc.
P.O. Box 3440
Honolulu HI 96801
808-525-6642 - The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service awards grants for scientific projects that study the climate change and its effects on native plants and animals in the Pacific islands. The work funded by the grant will support continuing work of the Pacific Islands Climate Change Cooperative, charged with addressing climate and landscape change in the U.S. Pacific island territories.
As of August, 2010, grants up to $250,000 are available for projects of varying lengths and designs. Applicants must apply using the online application system. Applicants are encouraged to contact the Pacific Islands Climate change Cooperative, a program of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Services, to discuss availability of funds and upcoming announcements.
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service,
Pacific Islands Climate Change Cooperative
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
1849 C Street, NW
Washington, DC 20240
808) 792-9400 - The Sasakawa Pacific Island Nations Fund supports programs that work toward peaceful cooperation between maritime states, maritime safety, education, health care and information sharing. Eligible applicants are nonprofit and voluntary organizations. The foundation has no restrictions on the nationality of applicants. As of August, 2010, grants usually range from $20,000 to $100,000 and are awarded for up to three years for projects that operate from April 1 to March 31. The foundation provides an application and other forms on its website.
Grant Administration Section, Program Department
The Sasakawa Peace Foundation
The Nippon Foundation Bldg., 4th Fl.
1-2-2, Akasaka Minato-ku Tokyo, 107-8523, Japan