Straight Talk on Solar Roof Tiles
Sola? energy t?chnology in?ll it's diverse f?rms has b?en generating? mass?ve bu?z, and most notably o?er the past de?ade. Ne? development? ar? not?nly bringing down cost,?ut they're also making th? actual implementation of hom? solar?ystems far more feasible. S? wh?t about solar roof tiles?
Solar Roof Til?s Ha?e Been in Development fo? Decades
The?e tile? h?ve been in continuous development for decades, and in fact still are. Photovoltaic technology ha??f cou?se been?ith?s fo? muc? long?r th?n th?s particular product becau?e energ? generating tiles ha?e always pr?sented a?nique?et of parameters. You see the? h?d t? be thre? things at once.
They Had T? Loo? Fantastic
The first thing th?y had to be?as functional?s? ro?f t?le be?ause that'? w?at tiles do. It wasn't OK for th?s n?w produ?t to just loo? good eit?er. Rather, because tile r?ofs ar? considered among the most decorative, solar roof tiles had to loo? great.
They Also Had to Last? Cou?le of Decades
Next they h?d to last at least at least 20 years. T?e reason for thi? is that's both t?e ag??xpectancy of the average standard solar pan?l, and t?e mini?um lifes?an?f a roof. S?lar t?les could n?t?e a?tep backwards?n thi? respect or p?ople sim?ly?ouldn't us? them.
An? Photovoltaic Product Has to Work Good
Lastly this produ?t had to work. That i? that th?y had to do? good?ob of generating ele?tricity. Yo? se? in the end, there i? always the c?st of buying po?er?ff the grid that any photovolt?ic generator has to be?eld u??n comparison against.
T?ree Areas of Technology Development
So roof solar tiles mesh?everal new, and st?te of the?rt technologies together into on? amazing new p?oduct that all?t once, i?? gr?at roof covering, looks beautiful and does a stellar?ob of gen?rating electricity for? ho?e. It really is quite amaz?ng if you stop to th?nk about it.
The Savings Takes About 15 ye?rs t? C?ver their Cost
In t?e end tho?gh, the?ottom line i? that a product like this takes about 15 years of operat?on t??over its cost. Now that?ay s?em li?e a long tim? to mo?t people,?ut the fact?s that electricity h?s to b? p?rchased anyway, and s?lar pow?r is guilt f?ee p?wer.
Solar Roof Til?s Ha?e Been in Development fo? Decades
The?e tile? h?ve been in continuous development for decades, and in fact still are. Photovoltaic technology ha??f cou?se been?ith?s fo? muc? long?r th?n th?s particular product becau?e energ? generating tiles ha?e always pr?sented a?nique?et of parameters. You see the? h?d t? be thre? things at once.
They Had T? Loo? Fantastic
The first thing th?y had to be?as functional?s? ro?f t?le be?ause that'? w?at tiles do. It wasn't OK for th?s n?w produ?t to just loo? good eit?er. Rather, because tile r?ofs ar? considered among the most decorative, solar roof tiles had to loo? great.
They Also Had to Last? Cou?le of Decades
Next they h?d to last at least at least 20 years. T?e reason for thi? is that's both t?e ag??xpectancy of the average standard solar pan?l, and t?e mini?um lifes?an?f a roof. S?lar t?les could n?t?e a?tep backwards?n thi? respect or p?ople sim?ly?ouldn't us? them.
An? Photovoltaic Product Has to Work Good
Lastly this produ?t had to work. That i? that th?y had to do? good?ob of generating ele?tricity. Yo? se? in the end, there i? always the c?st of buying po?er?ff the grid that any photovolt?ic generator has to be?eld u??n comparison against.
T?ree Areas of Technology Development
So roof solar tiles mesh?everal new, and st?te of the?rt technologies together into on? amazing new p?oduct that all?t once, i?? gr?at roof covering, looks beautiful and does a stellar?ob of gen?rating electricity for? ho?e. It really is quite amaz?ng if you stop to th?nk about it.
The Savings Takes About 15 ye?rs t? C?ver their Cost
In t?e end tho?gh, the?ottom line i? that a product like this takes about 15 years of operat?on t??over its cost. Now that?ay s?em li?e a long tim? to mo?t people,?ut the fact?s that electricity h?s to b? p?rchased anyway, and s?lar pow?r is guilt f?ee p?wer.