Some Helpful Tips to Avoid Writer"s Block

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It can become even more frightening if you are an article marketer and have set yourself a target to produce a certain number of articles in a specified period of time.
Let's think about this for a moment.
The answer must be in us somewhere.
Think back to one particular article that you wrote, not too long ago.
Make it one of which you were particularly proud.
If you recall where the inspiration for that article came from you can be on your way.
Perhaps you went to a forum, saw the views or concerns that people in that niche were having and that prompted you to write an article expressing your own opinion.
Addressing people's concerns works in any niche and if you just go to Yahoo Answers you will find any number of repeatedly asked questions in you chosen category.
If the questions are being asked repeatedly it's a sure sign that this is a major or on going concern.
This is just the sort of topic that will have your article attracting considerable attention.
By simply moving on from the blank screen you can generate any number of new ideas.
Go to an article directory, don't read the articles, just look at the titles and the ideas will flow.
This is probably left over from your schooldays when a teacher put a title up on the classroom blackboard, tossed the chalk into the box and said "two hundred and fifty words by lunch time".
Well, you did in then so you can do it now, not that anyone else alive can remember blackboards or chalk, but you get the idea.
In the same way that titles can provoke ideas so also can the bullet points on sales letters.
Once again, you don't need to read the sales literature; you just need those bullet points to fire off an idea.
(Sorry, I just read that again, no pun intended.
) Keywords.
If you get the idea that the words can flow from a title, just try this method to generate your title.
Put a keyword for your niche into Google Keyword, or any keyword tool, and a hundred words, terms or phrases, jump straight out at you.
Remember, these are words or phrases that people are searching for right now.
This method is particularly useful if, like me you have periods of indolence and need to put several articles together on a particular niche to get back on target.
Although all of the articles produced in this way tend to exist on one theme, they are none the less original and unique and that is, after all, what we are endeavouring to achieve.
You will know that the big word in internet marketing is "relevant".
It's true for SEO and publishers alike.
The web site owner or webmaster will be attracted to articles that are on point and up to the minute.
If you simply go to a niche magazine or publication you can find plenty of up to date topics.
These publications spend a vast amount of time and money working out what their market wants and anticipating that need.
In this way you can produce an article that will be up to date and truly relevant.
It also promotes you as being in the fore front of new ideas and the latest thinking.
I hesitate to use that overworked term "guru", but it does mean that if your articles are produced in this way you will soon become sought out and your writing will become respected in the niche.
Revisiting articles that you have previously written on the topic are well worth the effort.
You may find that they provoke thoughts that did not occur to you first time around.
Sometimes you will see that current thinking may dictate that you give a much fuller explanation on one or two of your main points.
Indeed, you may find a whole raft of ideas that you omitted when you produced the earlier work.
Always bearing in mind that each article has to be original content.
Occasionally you can see that a particular argument that you put forward could, with some minor adjustment relate to an entirely different product.
Or, how about producing an article with the exact opposite view to the first article? Being controversial is a great way to getting noticed.
I often read other peoples articles on the same subject, not to use their ideas, in fact quite the reverse.
If you get just a little objective here you can see, not just what the author has written but, more importantly, what has been left out.
It may be that the author needed to restrict the writing to a prerequisite number of words but many times you must have read an article and have thought to yourself "Hey, there's another article here!" So write it.
As with taking a different viewpoint on your own articles, you can take a different viewpoint on those articles produced by others.
Sometimes, objectively if you feel that there may be a relevant point or, at other times, just simply to be controversial.
When talking earlier about keywords I did stress that these were words or phrases for which people were searching now.
For this very reason you need to include a relevant search term in the title.
That old adage comes to mind "Does it do what it says on the tin?" Let the reader know what's inside.
Don't make him read the whole article to find out.
I hope that the above points will help you to remain convinced that in the same way that you are unique, so also is your talent.
"Writer's Block" may happen to us all occasionally, but that doesn't mean that you have to freeze up and stay paralyzed.
Work through my recommendations and you will soon have those creative talents up and running again.
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