The ruler and society: Dominator and Dominated: Will this ever change!
History indicates such a phenomenon at every stage in the development of humanity. Two entities stand apart from one another. Two unities of power structure, unchangeable and imperative. On the one hand there is one individual, with his clique or elite, and on the other hand there are the people: dominator and dominated; the decision-maker and the decision executer.
Pharaohs and kings in ancient history have ruled their peoples by means of absolute authoritarian power. Concentration of power in the hands of the individual is now more poignant and more efficient. Means of communications and advanced war and repression technologies allow for such control. In most cases communication between the authority and the people is disrupted and disconnected, sometimes conflictual and sometimes totally abandoned. The rulers live in their ivory towers decreeing laws for their subjects. There are different titles, such as presidents, prime minters, secretaries of parties or counselors, but the
phenomenon remains one and the same.
Does this mean that the rule-ruled syndrome manifest the unshakeable destiny of mankind! Does it mean that there will be always the ruler and the rest of the people are ruled? Do humans have to tolerate such systems of governance? Are humans in need of a dominator? Do they need to be dominated? Is this not a relation between sadism and masochism?
Why aren't people capable of self-rule! Why should there be always dominators of societies?
Is not self-rule the ideal form of social justice! All people represent the foundation of power and they alone must be the decision-maker. Administrations are there to execute the will of the people and not the will of the individual.
Does not belief in the super power of the creator render such justice and such equality to all humans, all peoples! If we want to live in equality and dignity the one-man-rule system should be totally uprooted from every society giving back freedom and the right for self-governing and self-decision.
Administration in societies ought to be founded but such administration should never have the power to rule. The people are the power to legislate and the role of the administration is but to execute the will of the people.
This sharing in the decision-making where all the people come to decide on an issue breaks away with the traditional system of one man leadership. Decisions concerning the people should be made by the people and not by one person or his elite or even a party or another.
This equality in power sharing condusive to equality in economic status and social status can be induced only through belief in God. Thus a God oriented society has all the meaures to make all people on equal footing before God. From this belief humans can establish equality and restoring dignity to humans, already forgotten by history.