If You Are Serious About Self Defense You May Want To Find Out Where To Buy Stun Guns
Stun devices are extremely effective self-defense weapon that can be every bit as effective, if not more effective in some cases, than a firearm. The difference is that the person upon whom the stun device was used gets to live to see the next day and in almost all cases gets to do so without any negative, long lasting side effects. The same can certainly not be said for an individual who has been shot with a firearm. If a person who has been shot with a firearm is lucky he or she will have merely a trip to the emergency room to deal with. If they are less lucky they will suffer the same fate that thousands of others suffer every year from gunshots, death. I believe that even scumbag criminal purse snatchers should have, at the very least, a chance to redeem themselves and they cant very well do that if they are dead, can they?
Stun guns do not work by injuring an attacker, nor do they work on the principle of causing an attacker great pain, as is the case with defensive sprays like mace and pepper spray. Stun guns work by incapacitating an attacker by disrupting his or her neurological pathways via an electrical current. Because the electric shock given off by the device actually disrupts their neurological pathways it makes it impossible for the attacker to fight through the pain as could be the case with something like pepper spray or even a firearm and is exactly what makes a stun device so effective. The electrical current is high voltage but low amperage and that is what makes the device such a humane alternative to other weapons as amps is actually what kills and not voltage as many wrongfully assumed.
There are literally hundreds of online stores that sell stun devices but it is important to check with your state and local laws to ensure that carrying such a device is in fact legal in your state. So please consider a stun device if you are interested in ensuring your own safety via a non-lethal self-defense tool.
Stay Safe,
Carl Vouer