Five Surefire Ways To Survive Jail or Prison
Unfortunately things do happen and some of us will find ourselves in this situation.
If you do find yourself facing prison time there is nothing more helpful than educating yourself.
There are many resources available such as this article.
This article is based off of my prison experience.
Around 4 years ago I was involved in an unfortunate incident.
The courts took three years until my case finally went to trial.
I was found guilty of one count of felonious assault and sentenced to two years in prison.
I served one year and was then released.
Leading up to my trial I tried to educate myself on what to expect.
I'm a small white kid from a small town so I figured that I better prepare myself.
Anything I could find out about surviving prison I took advantage of.
I bought just about every prison guide and self defense guide I could find.
Based on the information that I read and my experience with prison I have compiled the five best tips to surviving prison.
Im going to start with the least important and move to the most.
So lets count them down.
Number 5: Exercise If you are like most Americans you could probably lose a few pounds and gain a little bit of muscle.
I had the advantage of having three years between the time I was indicted and my trial.
During that time I figured that I better get myself into better shape.
I started out with basic exercises such as push-up, sit-ups, and pull-ups.
I also did some jogging to get some cardio.
Then I decided to go out and get an Olympic size weight set.
In those three years I went from 155 lbs to 180 lbs.
When I got to prison I decided I better keep working out.
While I was working out at the gym I met most of the guys I ended up hanging out with.
It also helped me get through the days.
If you workout you will not only get stronger but you'll feel better mentally.
Bottom line is that if you look like you can throw a punch most people are not going to mess with you.
Most of the little guys who looked weak were the ones getting things taken/stolen from them.
I did get into a few fights and my new found strength worked wonders for me because most fights end on the ground.
Number 4: Be quiet, but not too quiet There are things to talk about things not to talk about.
Never get into detail about the crime that you have committed.
You always want people guessing why your in there.
If you have committed a crime involving a minor defiantly to not talk about it.
You will be "jumped" if you have molested or abused a minor.
You also do not want to be overly friendly with other inmates.
They will take advantage of your kindness and either try to extort you or steal your stuff.
Never brag about the commissary that you have or tell people you have a lot of money on your account.
People will become jealous and envious.
Although you want to be quiet do not be overly quiet.
This will be viewed as a sign of weakness.
If other inmates sense one sign of weakness they will try to exploit it.
Just choose what you talk about very wisely.
You may not think anyone is really listening but they are.
Number 3: Pay attention Watch how other inmates interact with each other.
For the first few days that you are in jail or prison just sit back quietly and watch everyone.
By watching other inmates you can see who you should associate with and who to stay away from.
You must also always pay attention to your surroundings.
Always take into account who is around you at all times.
Watch the eyes and facial expressions of the other inmates.
Most of the time if you will be able to sense if something is about to happen based the eye movement of other inmates.
Always check your back as well.
Most times there is no fair fight.
Most inmates just "jump" someone from behind.
A lot of times there will also be more than one inmate jumping you.
Checking your back is not going to get you out of a fight but at least you wont be caught off guard.
Number 2: Mental Preparation Prison is like war and your mental preparation will be vital to surviving it.
Your going to have to come to the realization now that your going to be missing your family and friends.
You have to realize that you are going to be told what you can and cannot do.
You must also realize that you are going to be put around the scum of the earth.
Missing your loved ones can was one of the hardest things that you will have to deal with.
You must try to keep this to yourself.
NEVER EVER cry while you are in prison.
This is one of the biggest signs of weakness and other inmates will take advantage.
You can always write, call and get visits from your loved ones.
Your whole prison experience is going to revolve around prison rules and regulations.
Your going to have guards tell you what you are going to do.
If you decide that you are going to violate these rules and regulations there will be consequences.
You are already in a difficult place.
Why make it anymore difficult? Just remember you are in their world now.
Lastly, remember that no one goes to prison for being good.
Most people in prison are there for good reason.
NEVER trust anyone.
A person who seems like a nice guy will turn around and steal everything you own.
A true friend will hang out with you whether or not you have a full box full of food.
Watch out for people who are always asking for things or looking at what you have.
#1: Educate Yourself and Use Your Brain Educate yourself as much as possible before you get sentenced to prison.
there is a wealth of knowledge available on the internet.
There are many prison guide, self defense guides, and exercise guides online.
By educating yourself you will know what to expect and then not be shocked by what goes on.
My last and most important tip that I can give you is use your brain.
Most of the people that you are going to meet are not going to be the smartest.
If you just use a little bit of common sense you can outsmart them.
If that fails use your muscle.
I don't care how big or strong you opponent is.
Even if you fight and lose you still stuck up for yourself and gained RESPECT.
Most predators in prison will go for the easy targets.
If you stick up for yourself and show everyone you will fight than they will leave you alone and go for an easier target.