Cancerous Tumor Treatments
- Surgery is often considered the most frequently used treatment form used to treat individuals suffering from cancerous tumors. The extent of the surgery usually varies from patient to patient as it depends on the growth and spreading of the cancerous cells of the tumor inside the patient's body. In case only a small portion of the tumor is cancerous in nature, then the damaged portion of the tumor is surgically removed from the body to prevent the further proliferation and spreading of the cancerous cells. However, in severe cases, if the cancerous cells have spread across the entire tumor, then in that case the entire tumor is surgically extracted from the body of the individual.
- Radiation therapy is another common treatment form used on malignant tumor patients. In this method, doctors expose the cancerous tumor to high energy radiations as such radiations have found to be effective in diminishing the size of the tumors as well as helping to destroy the cancerous cells, hence preventing the further proliferation and spreading of the cancer cells.
- Doctors often prescribe certain drugs such as Sorafenib, which is also known as Nexavar to patients of cancerous tumors. This drug is commonly injected into the blood stream of the patient as it prevents the generation of new blood vessels by the cancerous cells and thus are helpful delaying and preventing the damage caused by the growth of malignant tumors.
- Chemoembolization is a type of chemotherapy method in which powerful doses of anti cancer drugs such as Pacitaxel and Velban are injected directly into the cells of the tumor. These drugs are effective in damaging the cancerous cells and thus prevent the spreading of the cancer to the various other body parts.
Radiation Therapy
Drug Therapy