Signs of Toenail Fungus
No one is safe from nail fungus.
Various types of fungus that are present in our everyday environment cause nail fungus infections.
While it is not a condition many people are aware of, those that do have nail fungus know how severe and embarrassing this problem can be.
Nail fungus develops in warm, moist conditions.
Dermatophytes start growing under the nail and feed off the keratin in the nail, thus producing nail fungus.
If you don't treat your nail fungus it will only get worse with time.
The fungus will attack your nail root and your nail will grow back thicker and deformed.
While the most common nail fungus occurs on the big toe (toenail fungus) this can also present itself as finger nail fungus and even worse is can start to affect the skin around your nail.
This is what nail fungus looks like: - Brittle nails that split easily - Your nail grows back deformed - It's uncomfortable to walk because the nail rubs against your shoes - Yellowish or discoloration nail color - In an advanced stage it has a foul odor.
Once you have advanced nail fungus it is basically a nightmare.
While many want to treat it, exposing your feet to the public is embarrassing, and if you work in an office environment you can't where sandals to work.
Thus keeping your feet in shoes for long periods of time only makes the condition worse.
And for those with fingernail fungus, it is even harder to hide the condition.
However, treatments do exist.
Some over-the-counter treatments are anti-fungal powders (for early stages) and creams.
Avoid wearing nylon socks, use cotton socks.
Avoid wearing nail polish as well.
There are lots of home remedies as well.
The best thing you can do is see a Chiropodist.
They can give you the best medication.
For treatments to fully eliminate nail fungus it will take several months.
Unfortunately you can't get over night results.
Nail fungus has to be treated continuously until it is completely gone.
But in the meanwhile apply your treatment daily and avoid wet, moist environments.
Various types of fungus that are present in our everyday environment cause nail fungus infections.
While it is not a condition many people are aware of, those that do have nail fungus know how severe and embarrassing this problem can be.
Nail fungus develops in warm, moist conditions.
Dermatophytes start growing under the nail and feed off the keratin in the nail, thus producing nail fungus.
If you don't treat your nail fungus it will only get worse with time.
The fungus will attack your nail root and your nail will grow back thicker and deformed.
While the most common nail fungus occurs on the big toe (toenail fungus) this can also present itself as finger nail fungus and even worse is can start to affect the skin around your nail.
This is what nail fungus looks like: - Brittle nails that split easily - Your nail grows back deformed - It's uncomfortable to walk because the nail rubs against your shoes - Yellowish or discoloration nail color - In an advanced stage it has a foul odor.
Once you have advanced nail fungus it is basically a nightmare.
While many want to treat it, exposing your feet to the public is embarrassing, and if you work in an office environment you can't where sandals to work.
Thus keeping your feet in shoes for long periods of time only makes the condition worse.
And for those with fingernail fungus, it is even harder to hide the condition.
However, treatments do exist.
Some over-the-counter treatments are anti-fungal powders (for early stages) and creams.
Avoid wearing nylon socks, use cotton socks.
Avoid wearing nail polish as well.
There are lots of home remedies as well.
The best thing you can do is see a Chiropodist.
They can give you the best medication.
For treatments to fully eliminate nail fungus it will take several months.
Unfortunately you can't get over night results.
Nail fungus has to be treated continuously until it is completely gone.
But in the meanwhile apply your treatment daily and avoid wet, moist environments.