I Need To Find A Safe Place In The House To Hide My Cash And Jewelry!
Her earrings are actually hidden in what is called a diversion safe that only looks like a can of dog food! Diversion safes are the cleverest gadgets, because you can safely hide your jewelry, cash, and other small valuables in a way that no one would ever figure out. They are also very big sellers! Everyone should have one, and especially college students or anyone who has a roommate!
Let's say that you have a burglary while you're away from home. The thieves don't know how long you'll be gone, so they want to hurry, and they run through the house and grab things such as cameras and electronics! They are not going to waste time to pick up a can of hairspray in the bathroom or a can of motor oil from the garage! The funny thing is that this might be the place where you have hidden your Grandmother's diamond ring, and your four hundred dollars in cash!
Diversion safes are great because nobody would ever suspect that there is something hidden inside, and the items will go unnoticed and then they will still be safe and sound when you return home! Now your local department store is probably not going to have these great little items, but you can find them in my fabulous Online SuperStore: http://www.fathertimepublishing.com/default.php?cPath=2356091
There are more than a half dozen to choose from and you can even get one that looks like a book!
My name is Father Time and I agree with the old saying; "It is better to be safe than sorry!" especially these days! I also have many other self defense items for sale, and for those who want to earn extra money, you can buy 10 or 20 of this or that, and resell them for cash profits! So, please check those out as well! Many Blessings!