The Real Secret to a Good Golf Swing
Did you know that somewhere in the region of 80% of golfers never get a handicap lower than 18? They love the game and play as often as they can, but they never ever get their handicap below a one shot allowance per hole.
Why? The sad truth is that their swing won't allow them to get any better.
In most cases they got into bad habits when they first started playing the game and now they don't know how to get out of it.
Many people talk about the 'perfect' golf swing, but in reality there is no 'perfect' golf swing, only the best golf swing you can achieve for yourself and your game.
Everybody is different.
Different height, different weight, different everything.
So no one golf swing will suit all golfers, male of female.
The principles will be the same of course, but it's how you adapt each principle to yourself that is the key.
The real secret to a good golf swing is the KISS principle - Keep It Simple Stupid.
The simpler you keep anything the easier it is to do, and the easier it is to repeat time after time.
That's exactly what you need in a golf swing - something you can repeat over and over again without even thinking about it.
Here are some thoughts you can try to get your swing going naturally.
Getting lined up correctly.
It doesn't matter if you're on the tee or on the fairway, if you aren't lined up properly you won't hit the ball straight.
Place your feet as you normally do and put the club behind the ball.
Now look down at your feet.
Where are they pointing? Take your club and lay it down across the front of your feet touching the front of each shoe.
Now step away and see where the club is pointing.
With people who 'slice' the ball it will probably point down the left side and those that 'hook' down the right.
Now adjust the club on the ground to point straight at the target, or where you want the ball to go.
Now put your feet back as if to tee off with your shoes just touching the club and look over your left shoulder.
That's the view you should have to hit the ball straight.
It may feel strange to start with but with practice you should be able to do this easily every time.
Naturally it would be the opposite for left handed players.
Comfortable Stance.
Make sure you have a comfortable stance that will allow you to rotate your body in the most effortless way possible.
Think of your spine as an axis, and find your centre of gravity by pushing your backside out a little.
Put your weight very slightly on the balls of your feet.
Once you achieve that comfortable stance, then you should have less problems.
Head and Eyes.
Always keep your head still and your eyes looking at the back of the ball.
Don't put your chin on your chest; it'll get in the way.
After a bad shot how many times have you heard ' you lifted your head' or 'your head came up' or something similar? This really is one of the most simple and important rules to keep in mind.
Keep your eyes looking at the back of the ball - after all you have to see what you're hitting don't you? It's really common sense too, but it's surprising how many golfers forget to do it.
Think before you hit.
Once you've lined yourself up, got a comfortable stance and are ready for the 'hit', what do you think about? Some golfers start thinking about their swing - taking the club back in to out or out to in, transferring weight here or there etc - and that's where they go wrong.
If you start thinking about all these things you aren't thinking about actually hitting the ball are you? Instead start thinking about where you want the ball to go.
Visualize the shot before you take it.
It only takes a few seconds to conjure up a picture in your mind and it's surprising how that can help you.
Don't tense up, it can make you snatch at the ball.
Be as relaxed as you can and slightly flex the knees so that they will move properly as you go through your swing.
Hum a tune or something, anything in fact to take your mind off the actual swing.
Just like driving a car.
The real secret is to cultivate a swing that is not only smooth and easy on your body, but is repeatable.
You should be able to repeat the same swing time after time without thinking about it.
Remember how you felt after your first driving lesson in a car? Did you think 'How can I possibly put the clutch in, change gear, work the accelerator, turn the steering wheel, look in the mirrors and look where I'm going ALL at the same time?!' Now of course, you don't consciously think about any them - you just do them naturally.
That's what you need to achieve with your golf swing, and don't forget practice, practice, practice.
It's the only way.
The real secret to a good golf swing is to keep everything as simple as possible.
Simple thoughts, simple actions.
Don't over complicate things.
A few hours spent at the driving range or practice ground going through some simple set up procedures before you actually hit the ball will do wonders for your game.
At the beginning don't try to hit the skin off the ball - be smooth and natural, you will be surprised how far the ball will go - and most often straight too! Once you start swinging consistently - the same swing time after time - then you can begin to put more power into it.
If hitting the golf ball long distances was the only answer then all the long hitters would win every time wouldn't they? But they don't.
Hitting long is good, but hitting accurately is better.
Why? The sad truth is that their swing won't allow them to get any better.
In most cases they got into bad habits when they first started playing the game and now they don't know how to get out of it.
Many people talk about the 'perfect' golf swing, but in reality there is no 'perfect' golf swing, only the best golf swing you can achieve for yourself and your game.
Everybody is different.
Different height, different weight, different everything.
So no one golf swing will suit all golfers, male of female.
The principles will be the same of course, but it's how you adapt each principle to yourself that is the key.
The real secret to a good golf swing is the KISS principle - Keep It Simple Stupid.
The simpler you keep anything the easier it is to do, and the easier it is to repeat time after time.
That's exactly what you need in a golf swing - something you can repeat over and over again without even thinking about it.
Here are some thoughts you can try to get your swing going naturally.
Getting lined up correctly.
It doesn't matter if you're on the tee or on the fairway, if you aren't lined up properly you won't hit the ball straight.
Place your feet as you normally do and put the club behind the ball.
Now look down at your feet.
Where are they pointing? Take your club and lay it down across the front of your feet touching the front of each shoe.
Now step away and see where the club is pointing.
With people who 'slice' the ball it will probably point down the left side and those that 'hook' down the right.
Now adjust the club on the ground to point straight at the target, or where you want the ball to go.
Now put your feet back as if to tee off with your shoes just touching the club and look over your left shoulder.
That's the view you should have to hit the ball straight.
It may feel strange to start with but with practice you should be able to do this easily every time.
Naturally it would be the opposite for left handed players.
Comfortable Stance.
Make sure you have a comfortable stance that will allow you to rotate your body in the most effortless way possible.
Think of your spine as an axis, and find your centre of gravity by pushing your backside out a little.
Put your weight very slightly on the balls of your feet.
Once you achieve that comfortable stance, then you should have less problems.
Head and Eyes.
Always keep your head still and your eyes looking at the back of the ball.
Don't put your chin on your chest; it'll get in the way.
After a bad shot how many times have you heard ' you lifted your head' or 'your head came up' or something similar? This really is one of the most simple and important rules to keep in mind.
Keep your eyes looking at the back of the ball - after all you have to see what you're hitting don't you? It's really common sense too, but it's surprising how many golfers forget to do it.
Think before you hit.
Once you've lined yourself up, got a comfortable stance and are ready for the 'hit', what do you think about? Some golfers start thinking about their swing - taking the club back in to out or out to in, transferring weight here or there etc - and that's where they go wrong.
If you start thinking about all these things you aren't thinking about actually hitting the ball are you? Instead start thinking about where you want the ball to go.
Visualize the shot before you take it.
It only takes a few seconds to conjure up a picture in your mind and it's surprising how that can help you.
Don't tense up, it can make you snatch at the ball.
Be as relaxed as you can and slightly flex the knees so that they will move properly as you go through your swing.
Hum a tune or something, anything in fact to take your mind off the actual swing.
Just like driving a car.
The real secret is to cultivate a swing that is not only smooth and easy on your body, but is repeatable.
You should be able to repeat the same swing time after time without thinking about it.
Remember how you felt after your first driving lesson in a car? Did you think 'How can I possibly put the clutch in, change gear, work the accelerator, turn the steering wheel, look in the mirrors and look where I'm going ALL at the same time?!' Now of course, you don't consciously think about any them - you just do them naturally.
That's what you need to achieve with your golf swing, and don't forget practice, practice, practice.
It's the only way.
The real secret to a good golf swing is to keep everything as simple as possible.
Simple thoughts, simple actions.
Don't over complicate things.
A few hours spent at the driving range or practice ground going through some simple set up procedures before you actually hit the ball will do wonders for your game.
At the beginning don't try to hit the skin off the ball - be smooth and natural, you will be surprised how far the ball will go - and most often straight too! Once you start swinging consistently - the same swing time after time - then you can begin to put more power into it.
If hitting the golf ball long distances was the only answer then all the long hitters would win every time wouldn't they? But they don't.
Hitting long is good, but hitting accurately is better.