5 Things You Need to Know About Public Speaking That Will Help You to Get Better
According to a survey is it the number one fear in America with death following as number two.
But speaking in public isn't that bad or hard either.
There are just a few things you need to know about it.
Practice is the Key As with mostly everything in life, practice is the key.
You need to practice speaking in public to get better at it.
You can't expect to be a good public speaker naturally.
If you have a chance to speak in front of an audience then do so.
It will be worth it even though you might not see that in that point of time.
Try to use every opportunity to get better at it and after a while you will start to see results.
Preparation is Essential Nobody is going to be able to hold a great speech without any preparation.
Not even people who have perfected the art.
Quite the opposite is the case.
Experts of public speaking know that you need to prepare yourself for a speech.
Without preparation you won't have the confidence you usually would have if you held a presentation.
Before you decide to speak in public, take some time to think about the kind of preparation a speech like that would need.
Obviously a speech you are holding at a friend's birthday is not going to need as much preparation as a presentation in front of your boss.
Please Fail As with everything in life we only learn through failing.
The more you fail the better you are going to get.
It's a rule of nature.
You learn from your mistakes.
It of course also applies to public speaking.
The more often you practice and the more often you fail the better you are going to get.
Of course it isn't always easy to keep yourself doing it over and over again but you should try to.
Help from Other People The people around you might be your friends or your family, it doesn't really matter.
These people can help you a lot when you want to improve your public speaking skills.
Hold a presentation in front of them and ask them what you need to change or what you shouldn't do.
Also ask more experienced people than yourself.
What do they think should you change about the way you present things? That leads me to my last point Feedback Getting feedback is crucial if you want to get better.
It is hard to find mistakes in your presentation yourself and other people might be easily able to identify some of these mistakes.
So ask for feedback from friends.
And I know this touches on the point I made previously but I wanted to emphasize it.
Also note that to get feedback you don't necessarily need friends.
You can also just video tape yourself or simply record your voice.
Then after the presentation go over it and analyze what you have done wrong or what you could do better.