Wedding Photography By Cherie Steinberg
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Wedding is Forever
$7,000 floral arrangements, $8,000 for catering, $2,000 music, $10,000 location rental, $5,000 wedding planner and the list goes on and on. An upscale wedding, at the writing of this article, does easily cost upwards of $100,000, testimony to how we want this day to be perfect and remembered for as long as possible.
This sum of money does not take into account all the work in preparations that usually the bride engages upon, nor the countless hours of friends and family members to ensure that everything is just perfect. It is not an exaggeration to state that a wedding is really a major production. We instinctively associate the greatness of the moment with its lasting continuity over time.
A week after the wedding how many people will remember the color of the floral arrangement? what desert they ate? what the Best Man had to say in his speech? Probably some details will be remembered for a couple of years but the bulk of what your $100,000 purchased will vanish into oblivion within a few weeks. The fickleness of human memory is immune to greatness. Ask Nikola Tesla, the inventor of the radio, microwave, alternate current, and many more. Most people dont even know who he is.
This considerable amount of expense and work will not ensure its lasting continuity over time. The other question is how would you like it to be remembered? Would you like a faithful reproduction? The answer might be no. George Washington was bitterly despised on his term as President, many people calling for his impeachment and crowds jeering at him on the street, yet that is not the image that has survived throughout all these centuries.
Faithful reproduction of those select moments conveying the greatness of this event is therefore what you want to last a lifetime. This is how you want people to remember you, your friends, family and generations beyond. The split-second moments that define what you have worked so hard and spent so much money to achieve, these minute pieces of time are going to define what really happened in the minds of those who will look at them in the future.
No matter what took place in actuality, regardless of the mistakes or mishaps, guests blunders or greatness, the careful capture of the appropriate moments is what will tell anyone for decades and possibly centuries to come, what really happened.
This is what you want to be Perfect. The photographer is the one you need to pick wisely. They make this all happen.
This is why people after a few minutes get bored watching a video recording, while they are ecstatic and spend hours looking at pictures. (this is why incidentally, motion pictures are shot and made like pictures, not like chronological video recordings)
Isnt it odd then that we place the least value on this most important topic? We usually place the photographer at the same level of the floral arrangements. In fact, we might not even blink at the bill for flowers, not even meet its vendor, but haggle with the photographer and pay him less.
On a $100,000 wedding, photography seldom is more than 5% of the budget, paradoxically, $95,000 will be forgotten in a few weeks and $5,000 will make it possible for your grandsons children to meet you.
Maybe the culprit is the sense of familiarity. After all, we can all purchase an inexpensive camera for under $100 and modern technology has spared us the travails of its operation. It is so easy to click and get a picture which is reasonably good, that we really dont think much of it.
The other factor is that we readily assume that technology is really what we are paying for. We tend to associate technology with a high quality delivery. Can a top of the line computer write a better letter than a 1920s typewriter? is a top of the line digital camera going to take a better picture that an old film camera? the answer is not necessarily.
Technology is purely an aid, it makes things faster and simpler thats all. The biggest and swankiest camera can only record whats in front of its lenses, the same as any other camera, regardless of price or sophistication.
It takes life to see life. Communication has nothing to do with the physical devices employed on the transmission of the message, the substance that people convey to people regardless of the mechanical means used is what communication really is about.
You want your photographer not just to record the special moments, most able photographers can do that relatively inexpensively, you want the photographer to know you and elicit the best you can offer for posterity and then capture and freeze that split-second reality and through the magic of photography make it last for eternity.
The photographer will ensure your true beautiful you is there for the unborn generations of the future to marvel at.
Cherie Steinberg
for Cheriefoto
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