Cheap Book Printing: Cost-effective Way To Publishing Books
China in known around the world for producing world-class products at cheaper rates and in the book printing industry too it is seen that they maintain the same standard. The entire process starting from the pre-printing stage to the post-printing stage everything comes cheap. The best materials as well as the best technology are used for printing books. You will hardly find pages with double printing, poor paper quality, or bad binding when you consider cheap book printing China. Moreover the delivery happens on the promised date without any delays.
When you go for cheap book printing in China, you can also be assured that they adhere to the environmental laws and use high-quality recyclable papers. An advantage of associating with a printing house based in China is that you get to custom the look and feel of the book the way you want it. From the cover design, to the kind of paper used, you can be equally involved in the printing process.
If you are contacting a book printer for the first time, it would be better if you do a little research on what to expect from the printer. Among the things that you need to ask the printer, below a few have been listed:
Know the standard signature page count so that you can accordingly number your pages. Smaller page counts mean cheaper cost of production. Usually the standard signature consists of 24 to 32 pages.
It is important to know the kind of printing process used by the printer. There are two processes commonly used: web press and a sheet fed printer. While the former is for printing large numbers, the latter prints lesser copies. Digital printing method is also becoming common where the scale of production is extremely small.
While you start negotiations with the printer, you need to know the price slabs for different quality of production. It is obvious that if the number of copies increases, the price comes down and vice versa.
You also have to understand your own requirements of the look of the book while approaching the printer. You have to decide whether you need a hard-bound cover (the cost of production goes high in such cases), paper back (the most common type of cover used), saddle stitch, spiral or board book.
Look out for discounts from the printer! If you aim for cheap book printing, discounts will be the blessings in disguise as you can cut down your cost substantially.