Lower Your Carbon Footprint

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Cut Your Power Consumption

There are many very practical things that you, as a consumer and home owner, can do to take responsibility and lower your own environmental impact. The lower our reliance as a country on harmful fossil fuels becomes, the better off we will all be. There are many day-to-day things that you can do to reduce your carbon footprint, and lower the amount of natural resources that you are personally using. You can get started right at home, making small changes that really do make a difference. Your carbon footprint is the impact that your actions have on the environment when all of your actions are put together. Emissions of carbon dioxide are part of how your carbon footprint is measured. Things like how much electricity you consume, the amount of gas you use, and even the brands of products that you pick make a real difference in your carbon footprint. You can easily reduce your household bills and be more environmentally friendly by making just a few key changes.

Discover Simple Yet Productive Ways to Enjoy a More Sustainable Lifestyle

There are many tips and tricks that can be used in the home that are extremely simple and effective. The best place to start is with the high energy-use heating and cooling systems, which account for on average 45% of household energy. For each degree you raise the setting on your thermostat you can save 3% in cooling costs. Close the curtains during the hot day and keep windows ajar at night to let in cooler air and conserve that energy. Use a ceiling fan where it is practical in less utilized spaces, and watch dollars drop off your annual electricity bills. Electronic devices, every household possesses in great number, use up electricity even when not in use. Be sure to disconnect all appliances when not in use, especially cell phone chargers, TVs and computers. It is estimated that the average household can save around $250 in lower fuel costs each year from this alone.

Another great method for cutting costs and saving energy is to purchase the compact fluorescent light(CFL) bulbs. CFLs have a more extended life span than a typical bulb, and they use much less power. One example is that a 13 watt CFL bulb can brighten your home just as well as a 60-watt regular incandescent bulb. Another great way to cut costs is to allow your clothes to air dry in the bright sunshine, rather than always using the energy-guzzling dryer. You can also opt for a shower in place of a bath whenever possible, to save energy and money.

Your Garden can be Ecologically Balanced as Well

To make your back and front yards more environmentally friendly, plant trees. Not only are trees a great source of shade, but they also reduce carbon dioxide while producing oxygen. Neighbors, friends, and family members can be encouraged to plant trees as well, therefore making a bigger impact globally on the amount of carbon dioxide in the air. Trees can also increase your home's value, as many buyers appreciate a mature yard with trees. Monitor your sprinkle system to make sure it is efficiently watering targeted areas, and not wasting water on streets or sidewalks. Consider exchanging your gas or electric lawn mower for a manual mower. These manual mowers will help you get more exercise while lowering our dependence on fossil fuels. Planting a garden full of home grown vegetables and herbs will lessen your food costs and make your yard more environmentally friendly as well.

Many newly built homes take sustainable lifestyles to the next level with solar and geothermal powered heating and cooling systems. Yet the average household need not invest much, just a little creativity and a commitment to help reduce each home's carbon footprint. The average American puts out over 20 metric tons of carbon dioxide each year, which is over six times the global average, and every little step in the right direction makes a difference.

For your next home, you may want to consider eco-friendly Winfield real estate [http://www.viewwinfieldhomes.com/29208-Scottsdale-Winfield-AZ-Green-RESCmty.aspx] in Scottsdale. Much of the Carefree, AZ new construction [http://www.carefree-city-real-estate.com/19264-Carefree-AZ-NewBuild-RESCity.aspx] is also environmentally sound.
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