Identity Theft part 3
A lot of identity theft occurs on the computer where thieves get access to your information online. Due to this you need to be particularly careful to protect your information when using a computer to access your online banking information and also when using credit cards to buy products online. Many of the viruses that are created allow people to gain access to information on your computer so it is always wise to have up to date anti virus software installed on any computer than you are using. When you are paying for products or services online make sure that you are only doing this with trusted companies who have the necessary security measures in place to reduce the chance of fraud. They should have encrypted payment facilities and a good privacy policy at the very least. Email accounts can be accessed by outsiders so always ensure that there is no private financial information stored in your email accounts and never assume that an email that appears to be coming from your bank is a legitimate email as it is a popular scam to appear as a bank to get your personal information to access your 'real' bank accounts. Never give your credit card details over the phone unless you are 100% sure that it is safe to do so with a trusted company. You can always check with the Better Business Bureau to see whether companies are legitimate to deal with and your money and information will remain safe. You should also check your credit card statements as you get them to see if there is any unusual activity as fraudsters are often able to get information and make charges without most people ever realizing. If there is a problem contact your bank immediately and they will usually reverse the charges and issue you with another card that has different numbers and login information.
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Your Credit repair coach
Mark Clayborne
CEO & Founder
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Your Credit repair coach
Mark Clayborne
CEO & Founder