Kaydee’s Sassy Soap Corner - A Weekly Commentary for OLTL for August 29, 2011

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The Viki-Dorian “Then-and-Now” clips made me cry continuously and I’m not ashamed to say it. I believe that the actresses were truly crying as well. As my teens would say..OMG! I have no words for the splendidly written and performed send-off scene they blessed us with. Bravo, ladies! Bravo, writers! Bravo! I just can’t bear to watch an encore, but FINALLY getting the ladies to admit their true feelings about each other was a remarkable gift and classy as a send-off for one of the most important and longest-running pillars of One Life To Live.


Farewell to Kelly and Joey! I will miss you both, and bravo, Joey, for sticking it to Aubrey on the way out!

Llanview’s Head Honcho is Honored

It was wonderful to see Patricia Elliott reprising her role as the spunky and ever-wise Renee Buchanan. It was equally as wonderful to see Asa back onscreen, if only in memoriam. I hope that his spirit will still render those occasional swift kicks to keep the Buchanan knuckleheads in check.

Cheers and Jeers of the Week

Cheers: To Viki and Dorian/Erika and Robin: For rendering us tearful and speechless with remarkable and splendid performances! We’ll miss you, Robin/Dorian!

Joey: For sticking the goodbye in Aubrey’s face!

Starr: For still being the grownup.


Shane: For letting his father know that he has been slacking in the Daddy Department.

David: Just because you’re David!

James: For being a wonderful person to Starr.

To the Writers: For giving us Viki and Dorian’s Farewell Scene

Jeers: To Tea and Blair: For leading the fueling brothers duke it out instead of averting them to what’s important.

To Jack: For still being around.

To Rex: For chasing ghosts and not focusing on his son

To Todd and Victor: For being so self-involved, you’re headed for total destruction

To the writers: For making all of the above happen.

Reader Response & Fan Site Discussion Feedback: WEEEELLL…my email has begun to buzz again! (Smile). Forgive my delay in getting the new column up, but you were always next up for feedback. Here we go:

Diane S! Welcome back, dear! I was wondering how long I was going to be drinking my Dunkin’ Donuts coffee alone! Ok, we are in agreement about many things on the show. Baz needs to go, Ford is annoying and needs to go, Irene is a diabolical, atrocious witch, Stacy needs to STAY DEAD, Mitch Lawrence is scary and prayerfully will NOT return, and James is adorable. Actually, we agreed on ALL of it!! LOL. It was great to hear from you again.

Washcutt: Welcome aboard, hon! As you have read, I agree with you about Victor being pointed out as the bad guy being unfair. Neither of the men is at fault for what happened. They were both victims in the most violating of ways. Victor can only be at fault for the actions he willfully chooses to take NOW, as can Todd. I also agree that RJ returning would be a great treat and probably the only former Llanview resident that would be a welcome sight. Let’s cross our fingers and hope that the writers get that. Thanks for joining me!

Ruth: Welcome aboard, Ruth! Thank you for joining me. I believe that we will indeed get some happily ever-after satisfaction. David and Dorian are already married and happy on their way to the Senate and Stockholm, Joey and Kelly reconnected before leaving for London, Clint and Viki look like they’re headed in that direction, and John and Natalie may head that way, too. Again, let’s cross our fingers for the best! Thanks again for joining me as a new reader!

Kaydee Writes Clan: Hello, Oh Great Ones!!! Welcome to all of the new members who have joined within the past two weeks. I can’t tell you how funny and entertaining it has been reading your posts while I was sick! I also can’t explain how warm and supported I felt when all of you stepped up to talk me through my fears about Hurricane Irene. You all keep me on my toes with this column, and I again would like to express how valuable you all are. Thanks!

Wrapping It Up

After three weeks and more of edge-of-your-seat writing, we are mixing it up with confusing SOPS again. Writers, eliminate the SOPS, please! There is no need for Rex to be chasing Gigi this long, or introducing Kimberly back into the fold bearing secrets and implications of Stacy..heaven forbid, returning from the dead. Surely after all of this time, you’ve gone into your little black box and come up with new storylines by now? Or different techniques to the storylines? Why are some of these new characters being introduced when very few of our favorite and veteran characters have been given a fair shot at developing in their storylines? Why are you introducing new, out-of-the-blue storylines when you have barely closed out or resolved the old ones? Again, John and Natalie have a child and the child’s DNA test has been everywhere but with the PARENTS, Elijah Clarke’s true identity was never resolved, Todd and Victor need to be closed out, need I go on?

If this show is going to go off the airwaves to transfer to the cyberwaves, can you at least allow the new heads a chance to develop storylines without killing off every soap character we have or confusing the hell out of us while we’re getting there? Trim the real fat from the show, and leave the good fat behind. Just care enough to respectably and thoroughly sift through the show’s materials and decipher the difference.

Until next week, readers. God bless.


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