How To Find Good Penny Stocks
Investing isn't easy. In fact, new and seasoned investors alike, will be quick to tell you that proper investment takes a great deal of in depth research, that your average person and especially your average investor, will not bother to conduct, showing that the vast majority of investors do not bother to go through the necessary length to ensure that they are heading into their investment decisions with the proper preparation, or understanding of what they are getting into. At all times, there are an incredible amount of random occurrences, that impact an investment decision, whether it be positively or negatively, so it takes extensive research and reasoning, to ensure that you are able to move forward in these markets, without falling prey to the extensive amounts of things that can go wrong at any moment. Now, these are all major factors, with regard to the overall stock market but all of these factors become even more trouble when pinpointing the more troubled penny stock market. While all stocks see significant price swings, penny stocks have picked up a renowned reputation for drastic changes within moments, with the possibility to investments completely destroyed within moments. It is for this reason that I have decided to lay out some important aspects to look into when getting involved in trading these micro-cap corporations.
One important factor, when it comes to penny stocks, is to seek out newsletter websites. There are a great deal of free penny stock newsletter sites like Penny Stock Dream, that have unveiled some of the best penny stock picks, that the markets have seen this year. These newsletter sites main focus, is to unearth the fastest moving low priced stocks, in effort to release information on them to their subscribers, well before they have seen significant gains. Newsletter sites have been known to have incredible runners for subscribers, so they certainly prove a powerful source for beginning your research on these small companies that can be very difficult to find good sources of information on. It is most important to find those organizations that are straightforward enough to offer free membership options. The offering of a free membership, often suggests that a site is more trustworthy, being that they are not forcing you to pay to catch a glimpse of their past and current performance. Another one of the more favored penny stock newsletter, platforms, is the Penny Investor Network, which has also been a great source of information on good penny stock picks. They release less alerts than many other platforms but those that they have released, have very often been spot on and very helpful for investors.
Another important aspect when delving into the micro-cap markets, I s to find companies that have reasonable share structures. The last thing you want to get caught up in is a stock that has either too low an amount of shares out in the market, or on the flipside, one that has far too many. The less shares that a company has available to be traded by the public, the faster it is able to see movement but that holds true regardless of the direction, so if there is a very small amount of shares in the market, that stock could easily bottom out, just as quickly as it can move up. On the other hand, if a company has far too many shares out and available to be traded, it can become difficult to see significant movement which is likely to lead to a downturn. You should always look for stocks that have some sort of balance; not too many shares out but at the same time, not too little as well.
As you delve further into investing, whether it be micro-caps, or larger companies, you may want to get into the habit of learning how to chart the movement of these companies. Investing is a never ending learning experience, meaning that you should take advantage of each and every edge above the competition that you can manage. By learning how to chart stocks, you can pick up some important guidelines that may aid you in figuring out how a stock price may change, before it has even happened. There are numerous free resources for learning how to chart stocks but one of my favorites is, due to the, "charting school," section of their website. You can learn a great deal of techniques through that organization.
Remember that this is just a short comprehensive list, of important things to look out for, when getting involved in investing, not only in low priced micro-cap stocks but the big board exchanges as well. Investing is a constant learning and overall growth experience, so reading and understanding will be an important factor in your continued growth as you move forward. Be sure to continue to keep up your own research and find the resources that will work best for your own investment style and you will have a serious edge up on the competition.
One important factor, when it comes to penny stocks, is to seek out newsletter websites. There are a great deal of free penny stock newsletter sites like Penny Stock Dream, that have unveiled some of the best penny stock picks, that the markets have seen this year. These newsletter sites main focus, is to unearth the fastest moving low priced stocks, in effort to release information on them to their subscribers, well before they have seen significant gains. Newsletter sites have been known to have incredible runners for subscribers, so they certainly prove a powerful source for beginning your research on these small companies that can be very difficult to find good sources of information on. It is most important to find those organizations that are straightforward enough to offer free membership options. The offering of a free membership, often suggests that a site is more trustworthy, being that they are not forcing you to pay to catch a glimpse of their past and current performance. Another one of the more favored penny stock newsletter, platforms, is the Penny Investor Network, which has also been a great source of information on good penny stock picks. They release less alerts than many other platforms but those that they have released, have very often been spot on and very helpful for investors.
Another important aspect when delving into the micro-cap markets, I s to find companies that have reasonable share structures. The last thing you want to get caught up in is a stock that has either too low an amount of shares out in the market, or on the flipside, one that has far too many. The less shares that a company has available to be traded by the public, the faster it is able to see movement but that holds true regardless of the direction, so if there is a very small amount of shares in the market, that stock could easily bottom out, just as quickly as it can move up. On the other hand, if a company has far too many shares out and available to be traded, it can become difficult to see significant movement which is likely to lead to a downturn. You should always look for stocks that have some sort of balance; not too many shares out but at the same time, not too little as well.
As you delve further into investing, whether it be micro-caps, or larger companies, you may want to get into the habit of learning how to chart the movement of these companies. Investing is a never ending learning experience, meaning that you should take advantage of each and every edge above the competition that you can manage. By learning how to chart stocks, you can pick up some important guidelines that may aid you in figuring out how a stock price may change, before it has even happened. There are numerous free resources for learning how to chart stocks but one of my favorites is, due to the, "charting school," section of their website. You can learn a great deal of techniques through that organization.
Remember that this is just a short comprehensive list, of important things to look out for, when getting involved in investing, not only in low priced micro-cap stocks but the big board exchanges as well. Investing is a constant learning and overall growth experience, so reading and understanding will be an important factor in your continued growth as you move forward. Be sure to continue to keep up your own research and find the resources that will work best for your own investment style and you will have a serious edge up on the competition.