A Super Simple Fat Loss Workout
If you are at the point where you are ready to get back in shape, you should be congratulated! Taking control of your health and your lifestyle is a very important decision, and one of the best you can make.
If losing fat is your goal, then you need a fat loss workout that is going to work, work fast, and challenge you continuously.
You also need this workout to be simple enough so that you can do it pretty much anywhere, whether you plan to go to a gym, or workout at home.
Well, believe it or not, this is absolutely possible.
First, understand something about fat loss.
You absolutely need to burn calories.
You need to get your metabolism going through the roof so that you continue to burn calories while you are at rest.
This fat loss workout will absolutely do that for you because we are going to do a series of exercises with limited rest in between each one.
This is going to keep your heart rate up, get your blood pumping, and ignite a metabolic response.
Here are the exercises: Push ups, Chin Ups, Jump Squats, Lying Leg Raises, and Burpees.
That's it.
That's the whole circuit.
What we are going to do is change the set and rep scheme each day that you perform the circuit so that your body is constantly being challenged.
Here is how that will look: Monday: Perform one set of each exercise to failure, resting 30 seconds before moving to the next exercise.
Perform the whole circuit 5 times total.
Wednesday: Each exercise will be performed with no rest in between moving to the next.
You start with one rep, do the next workout for one rep, and so on.
When you have performed each exercise for one rep, start all over with the first exercise and do two.
Repeat this process until you have done 10 reps of each exercise.
Friday: Sets, reps, and rest will be the same as Monday, but you will perform the circuit in reverse order.
So, if you started with push ups on Monday, and ended with burpees, do the opposite.
A good fat loss workout shouldn't be complicated or overly flashy.
Perform this workout as written for 30 days, and I promise you will be amazed at the results a simple workout can produce.
If losing fat is your goal, then you need a fat loss workout that is going to work, work fast, and challenge you continuously.
You also need this workout to be simple enough so that you can do it pretty much anywhere, whether you plan to go to a gym, or workout at home.
Well, believe it or not, this is absolutely possible.
First, understand something about fat loss.
You absolutely need to burn calories.
You need to get your metabolism going through the roof so that you continue to burn calories while you are at rest.
This fat loss workout will absolutely do that for you because we are going to do a series of exercises with limited rest in between each one.
This is going to keep your heart rate up, get your blood pumping, and ignite a metabolic response.
Here are the exercises: Push ups, Chin Ups, Jump Squats, Lying Leg Raises, and Burpees.
That's it.
That's the whole circuit.
What we are going to do is change the set and rep scheme each day that you perform the circuit so that your body is constantly being challenged.
Here is how that will look: Monday: Perform one set of each exercise to failure, resting 30 seconds before moving to the next exercise.
Perform the whole circuit 5 times total.
Wednesday: Each exercise will be performed with no rest in between moving to the next.
You start with one rep, do the next workout for one rep, and so on.
When you have performed each exercise for one rep, start all over with the first exercise and do two.
Repeat this process until you have done 10 reps of each exercise.
Friday: Sets, reps, and rest will be the same as Monday, but you will perform the circuit in reverse order.
So, if you started with push ups on Monday, and ended with burpees, do the opposite.
A good fat loss workout shouldn't be complicated or overly flashy.
Perform this workout as written for 30 days, and I promise you will be amazed at the results a simple workout can produce.