How to Get Into a Private Stickam Chat Room
- 1). Visit Stickam's website (See References). Click "Login" and enter your user name and password to sign in to the website. If you have never visited Stickam, click "Join" to create a Stickam account. You must have a valid e-mail address to join Stickam.
- 2). Click "Now Live" and "Who's Live" to view active chat rooms.
- 3). Select a chat room you want to view. If the room is private, a message will display stating this.
- 4). Click the host's user name. This will take you to his profile page.
- 5). Use your mouse to click "Send Message." Type a message to the host requesting to join the room. Click "Send." If the host chooses to add you to the list of approved guests, you will receive a message stating you are allowed to view the chat room.