Six Things For You To Do Prior To An Auto Accident So You Don"t Get Victimized By The System!
- Review your insurance coverage.
What you don't know can hurt you.
Do you have full tort or limited tort? Did you unknowingly give up your right to ask for damages? If you have a high deductable ($1000 or more) where will that money come from when you need it? - Always have a camera in your vehicle.
A picture is worth THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS when it comes time for you to get paid! - What is the financial status of your vehicle? We had full coverage and thought we would be able to replace our vehicle with one of similar value.
WRONG! - Have an inventory list of the items in your vehicle that you want to account for.
Things happen really fast at an accident scene and you may be disoriented or worse. - Prepare a list of people you want notified of your situation.
If someone has to do this for you it's much easier for them to follow a written list. - Towing company information.
Consider a membership in an automobile club like AAA.
It's better to pay a little now than a lot later!
On the average hospital cost are 50% higher for those who did not have seat belts on.
Also be very aware of the other driver.
There are many impaired drivers on the road today.
Know when it's time to pull over.
Fatigue can be a very sneaky enemy.
Copyright (C) 2007 John Steven Corbin