Cervical Polyps Symptoms, Cause And What Can Be Done
The most common sign of cervical polyps is unusual or increased menstrual bleeding. Polyps are little masses that develop on stalks. Polyps may be located in a lot of areas in the body, however, cervical polyps grow in the cervix (base of the uterus) and solely affect females. This write-up should help you better comprehend the medical symptoms, how polyps are diagnosed and how they are treated.
Cervical Polyps Symptoms And Causes
Signs or symptoms may not be observed in all females. If signs are present they may include unexpected spotting of blood at occasions other than the normal menstrual cycle or after sexual intercourse due to the characteristic of polyps to bleed easily. A white or yellow-colored vaginal discharge may be present in some cases.
The presence of polyps can also cause a woman to experience abnormally heavy menstrual periods (menorrhagia) or notice bleeding following menopause.
What causes polyps to form on the cervix is not absolutely understood. They may come about following continual infection or inflammation of the woman's reproductive tract or may be affiliated with sexually transmitted disorders or increased levels of estrogen. Cervical polyps are a common issue for females, particularly females above the age of 20 who have had children.
Cervical Polyps Diagnosis And Treatment
Analysis may include observation of the above mentioned signs by a female but an analysis by a medical provider could be essential for a definitive diagnosis. The evaluation may involve a gynecological exam complete with a pap smear or analysis of vaginal discharge. A biopsy of the polyp may be performed. The polyps are usually non-cancerous and it is rare to discover precancerous or cancerous tissues in a polyp.
Treatment of cervical polyps involves getting them removed and this often involves only a straightforward in-office procedure. Once taken off, polyps do not ordinarily come back. Nonetheless, ladies who have a past history of polyps are more likely to have more grow.
Cervical Polyps Symptoms And Causes
Signs or symptoms may not be observed in all females. If signs are present they may include unexpected spotting of blood at occasions other than the normal menstrual cycle or after sexual intercourse due to the characteristic of polyps to bleed easily. A white or yellow-colored vaginal discharge may be present in some cases.
The presence of polyps can also cause a woman to experience abnormally heavy menstrual periods (menorrhagia) or notice bleeding following menopause.
What causes polyps to form on the cervix is not absolutely understood. They may come about following continual infection or inflammation of the woman's reproductive tract or may be affiliated with sexually transmitted disorders or increased levels of estrogen. Cervical polyps are a common issue for females, particularly females above the age of 20 who have had children.
Cervical Polyps Diagnosis And Treatment
Analysis may include observation of the above mentioned signs by a female but an analysis by a medical provider could be essential for a definitive diagnosis. The evaluation may involve a gynecological exam complete with a pap smear or analysis of vaginal discharge. A biopsy of the polyp may be performed. The polyps are usually non-cancerous and it is rare to discover precancerous or cancerous tissues in a polyp.
Treatment of cervical polyps involves getting them removed and this often involves only a straightforward in-office procedure. Once taken off, polyps do not ordinarily come back. Nonetheless, ladies who have a past history of polyps are more likely to have more grow.