Make Money With Cash Back Credit Cards

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Cash back credit cards are a great way to get some of your money back that you spend using your credit cards.
With plenty of credit cards issuers offering this to the credit card customers now, to entice hem into spending more, there is one thing that I would say though, is only take out a cash back credit card if you can pay your credit card bill off in full at the end of each month, if not then you could be holding a credit card that is charging you a higher rate of interest, costing you more for your borrowing than it should and could be.
Cash back credit cards are more suited for those who keep a clear balance each month and so need not have to worry about the level of APR that the credit card is charging as you will be keeping your balance clear, so looking for the best cash back deal possible, couldn't be any easier.
Most credit card companies will offer you a cash back percentage of 0.
5% or 1%, but if you search hard enough you may find one that is willing to give you a cash back offer of 2%, though this may be for an introductory period only and will revert back to a standard 0.
5% or 1%.
If you do spend heavily on your credit card through the month and meet your payment in full each month and on time (this is also vital), then lets for talking sake that you spend £1,500 each and every month, so by using your cash back credit card, which is giving you 1% back on your spending, will see that you are £15 better off each month and will give you £180 a year back on your spending, just for simply using a credit card that you will use anyway.
What you will have to resist, is the temptation of knowing that if you use your credit card for an item that costs more than you can afford to pay back at the end of the month, to gain the cash back will only cost you more in interest charges, than you would make from your cash back facility, as the standard APR on a credit card roughly 16.
9%, with your cash back card being maybe higher than that, then for the 1% you make in cash back, you will lose almost 1.
5% or more in interest charges, defeating the purpose on why you have the card in the first place.
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