What Is Red Marine Algae Good For?
- In the mid-1970s and 1980s, researchers took an interest in the nutritional values and medicinal properties of the plants and algae that grow in marine environments, identifying approximately 30 useful species. These plants--including red marine algae--are also known as sea vegetables and contain 10 to 20 times the amount of minerals as plants that grow on land. They also contain large amounts of vitamins and other essential elements the body needs to resist invasion of pathogens like viruses or bacteria, which have the potential to reproduce quickly within the body and cause illness.
- A supplement of red marine algae to the diet is believed by many researchers, such as those at the Bryant Labs, to be a hearty immune system booster. Red marine algae contains sulfated polysaccharides--or complex sulfur-containing sugar compounds--and a substance called carageenan and other gel substances such as algon and agar that work with the body to help resist infection. These components also can help the body respond to viral attacks, decrease the number of viral infections and reduce the severity of the ones that do occur.
- Red marine algae and its gelatinous components appear to have many, far reaching medical benefits. According to the health news website Disabled-world.com, it has proven useful in the treatment of urinary tract infections, asthma and goiters. Healing properties even seem to extend to lung health, gastrointestinal function and acting as an anti-tumor agent, according to the website. In addition, the structure of red marine algae on a molecular level can be useful in binding to heavy metals, pesticides and carcinogens in the body, harmlessly carrying them from the body as waste.
- Perhaps one of the most well-known uses for red marine algae is in the treatment of the herpes simplex virus. Herpes.com reports that this virus lays dormant in the body until conditions lead to an outbreak and that the use of red marine algae in the treatment of this virus appears to lessen the severity of the outbreak. In addition, topical application to cold sores, also caused by the herpes virus, is successful for many sufferers of this uncomfortable ailment.
- In addition to the success reported in treating the herpes simplex virus and boosting the immune system, the same sources also report that when added to a regular diet, red marine algae has several benefits for heart health, such as lowering cholesterol and assisting in weight loss. Of course, before treating any medical situation it is important to consult with a physician.
Sea Vegetables
Immune Booster
Herpes Simplex Virus
Cholesterol and Weight Loss