The predictable Population in 2050- Causes and impact of over Population
Another reason of increasing population is the accessibility of antibiotics, pure water for drinking, Vaccinations and availability of palatable food. This help increases the infant and reduce child mortality. By this way the human population increases at an uncontrolled rate.
In long-term fertility is used to denote the long-term growth of population. There are some predicted values to maintain world population stable. Total fertility rate approximately 2.1 is needed to maintain stable population. Some countries have low total fertility rate than 2.1. China, Thailand, Cuba have less than 2.1 fertility rate. The first position is occupied by Spain which has a total fertility of 1.15. Most third world country have high TFR rate than 2.1, but they still trying to reduce the population size. Kenya reduces TFR from 8.1 to 4.4 by 20 year trying. The TFR rate of Bangladesh is 3.1 now, but it was 6.4 before 15 years. These countries initiated family planning to reduce population. They also encourage people for family planning by giving extra money, make available the pill and condom everywhere. Condom and birth control pill is available even in a tea stall or in small shop. This also reduces an undesirable baby in those countries.
In third world country and sub-Saharan Africa AIDS, a fatal disease is widespread. The population is balancing by high birth rate. In Africa, mainly 29 countries is affected by the fatal diseases AIDS. Without AIDS a fifty four years old woman can reproduce a new while, an AIDS affect women is not able to give birth a baby after 47 year.
The rapid human growth plays an important to causes poverty to a country. In poorest country the total growth rate is high. Due high population rate there exist lack of education, medical facilities, food, drinking water and employment in a populated country. The government is unable to maintain the accommodation of huge people. Due to high population pesticide and huge fertilizer is used in field to make up the food demand. This causes soil pollution. It is a true fact that "if the soil of a nation is healthy, then the nation must be healthy "No nation can survive hampering the cultivatable land. But over population is the main reason to reduce cultivable land and make it infertile.
If the TFR values of entire world reduce at a value of 2.1 then in 2050 the world population will be 8.9 billion. In this situation it needs more than 50 years increasing the total population at 11 billion. And if the TFR value is 1.6 or lower the world population in 2040 will be 7.5 and if the value is higher than 2.1 then in 2150 the world population will be 18 billion.