How to Get Kids Ready for Bed
- 1). Set a bed time. Being consistent is the most important rule with children. You will find that deciding on a specific bed time and sticking to it will greatly reduce the struggle to get kids to bed. When deciding on the time, make sure to consider the different aspects of the child’s needs. A child needs 10 to 11 hours of sleep to function well during the day. Most children do not fall asleep right away, so make sure to account for that factor in determining the bed time.
- 2). Start early. There are many things to do when you are getting your kids to bed. Beginning the process approximately an hour before they are supposed to be in bed will guarantee finishing on time. It is helpful to allot extra time for the kids to prepare because children thrive in a relaxed environment where they don’t feel rushed. Rushing them will only cause strife, making bed time more difficult.
- 3). Clean up before bed. Children often make random messes during their playtime and it is very helpful to the parents to have them put their things away before bed. Kids picking up their own things give the parents the ability to spend more time focused on their children. You are also reinforcing a great habit while your children are young. The less a parent or caregiver has to be responsible for, the less stress they will have.
- 4). Bathe the kids. The key to getting a child to bed easily is helping them to relax before bed time arrives. Not only is bath time necessary to prepare your child for the next day, it also helps by slowing them down into the right frame of mind needed to fall asleep. A warm bath or shower is very comforting and also helps to relax the body, making focusing the child on calming down before bed much easier.
- 5). Tuck them into bed. One method for settling a child into bed is the bedtime story. After the kids are in their pajamas, tuck them comfortably into their blankets. You can either read to them or tell them a story, making it up as you go. Listening to your voice will help the child relax and get comfortable. There are also other options including bed time songs, rhymes and prayers that will help the child feel safe and at rest as they get settled down for the night.