Basic Information About Getting Rid of Bed Bugs
There's no telling when these critters might turn up and cause problems.
Despite being a Northern native, beg bugs may attack anyone, anywhere.
For this very reason, it's important to know how to get rid of these bugs and prevent them from combing back.
Prevention As the old adage goes, prevention is always better than cure.
Before an infestation takes place, it's best to address bed bug problems as soon as possible.
A common indicator that these pests are already present is when bed bites or rows of welts appear particularly during the night.
When this happens, it's important to do a clean sweep of the room and the entire house.
Beddings, furniture, luggage, hampers and even clothes should all be cleaned to make sure that pest don't thrive.
Some of the best places to look for these bugs include: mattress folds, tufts and seams.
Aside from sweeping common used areas, it's also necessary make sure that any new furniture do not have eggs or bed bug husks.
Other Indicators While bed bug husks or eggs are not clearly visible, there are other ways to spot an infestation.
For instance, dark spots and blood stains are clear indicators that there are bed bugs around.
Blood stains happen because of two things: it's either the person continued to bleed after being bitten or the bug itself has been crushed.
If there's blood or empty skin shells around then it's highly likely that they are around.
Disinfect If there's a clear indication of bed bug infestation that disinfecting affected areas should be prioritized.
For people who want to take the easy way, buying another mattress may help do the trick.
However, for people looking for a more affordable approach then sealable covers and vacuum can help do the trick.
Vacuum areas thoroughly and wash beddings using hot water.
Heat is one of the best ways to remove these blood suckers.
Though insecticides are often used for pest infestation, they aren't highly recommended when getting rid of bed bugs.
These pests thrive in areas where people usually dwell and sleep and applying insecticides may only harm people.
It's possible to use insecticides like Boric Acid but their application is limited to areas surrounding the bed.
Sticky traps are better alternatives and they can trap the bugs effectively.
Aside from vacuuming the beddings, it's also effective to blow dry the mattress.
This should help kill the eggs.
Despite being a Northern native, beg bugs may attack anyone, anywhere.
For this very reason, it's important to know how to get rid of these bugs and prevent them from combing back.
Prevention As the old adage goes, prevention is always better than cure.
Before an infestation takes place, it's best to address bed bug problems as soon as possible.
A common indicator that these pests are already present is when bed bites or rows of welts appear particularly during the night.
When this happens, it's important to do a clean sweep of the room and the entire house.
Beddings, furniture, luggage, hampers and even clothes should all be cleaned to make sure that pest don't thrive.
Some of the best places to look for these bugs include: mattress folds, tufts and seams.
Aside from sweeping common used areas, it's also necessary make sure that any new furniture do not have eggs or bed bug husks.
Other Indicators While bed bug husks or eggs are not clearly visible, there are other ways to spot an infestation.
For instance, dark spots and blood stains are clear indicators that there are bed bugs around.
Blood stains happen because of two things: it's either the person continued to bleed after being bitten or the bug itself has been crushed.
If there's blood or empty skin shells around then it's highly likely that they are around.
Disinfect If there's a clear indication of bed bug infestation that disinfecting affected areas should be prioritized.
For people who want to take the easy way, buying another mattress may help do the trick.
However, for people looking for a more affordable approach then sealable covers and vacuum can help do the trick.
Vacuum areas thoroughly and wash beddings using hot water.
Heat is one of the best ways to remove these blood suckers.
Though insecticides are often used for pest infestation, they aren't highly recommended when getting rid of bed bugs.
These pests thrive in areas where people usually dwell and sleep and applying insecticides may only harm people.
It's possible to use insecticides like Boric Acid but their application is limited to areas surrounding the bed.
Sticky traps are better alternatives and they can trap the bugs effectively.
Aside from vacuuming the beddings, it's also effective to blow dry the mattress.
This should help kill the eggs.