Egypt: Time for Direct demcoracy and God
Humans at their utmost ugly face are being displayed on the Ancient Egyptian scene. Phataoah made themselves absolute kings, turned themselves into gods and submitted their own peoples to human worship and adoration of the personality cult. Pharaoahs deified themselves and made people their slaves, their commodities. They ruled with iron fist and denied God, they refused to believe in God for they made themselves gods.
They have led a life of absolute luxury while they made their peoples slaves forcing them to build their shrinesm their pyramids and their palaces. There was nothing in human history like the arrogance, the haughiness, the slef-boasting and the meanness of the Pharaohs. Absolute examples of man's power, man's wealth and man's privileged elites.
The Egyptians, hundreds of thousands of them, were used like screws, rats and cockroaches to build their monuments, all for the glory of the Pharaohs. The Children of Israel, we are informed in the Scriptures, were not spared and have been slaves to the Pharaos for four hundred years. The pharaohs have slaughtred their sons and used their women and men as slaves to the Pharaoh, to construct their Pharaonic monuments.
Egyptians are ued then to such demeaning slavery. For hundreds of years afater the Pharaonic ule ended Egyptians were misused, exploited again under the petty kings and rulers following the downfall of the Pharaonic institution, then the Arabruling Caliphs subjected the Egyptians, in the name of religion of Islam, to their absolute dominance and controlled their lives and their destiny.
One-man-rule throughout the history of the Egyptians dominated the lives of millions of Egyptians. Then the French megalomaniac Napoleon Bonaparte came to Egypt as a conquerer and dominated their political and economic scene, the British followed suit and left over a decadent parasite monarchy which was toppled off by Jamal Abd al-nasser by a military coup d'etat in 1952.
Nasser beacme by his own right the modern Pharaoh.rulled eygpt through his security and army forces for nearl twenty years of absolute authoritarian asbolute power. At his death his colleague Anwar al-Sadat took over power and became the undisputed Pharaoh of Egypt in modern hostory. Following his assassination at the hands of the Muslim brothers, Mubarak another comerade of the militray Junta took over power and became the Pharaoh of Egypt.
In 1911 Mubarak was toppled off by the peoples's revolt. For the first time in the Egyptian history the Egyptians came to their senses and revolted against the absolute ditctatorship of Mubarak and his family, supported by the militray and the security forces, the dogs of the sultan. Eight hundred lives were lost through the uprising demanding fro freedom and dignity and free expression, works and bread.
Now the political scene is dominated and absolutely so by the military Junta of Tantawi and his generals, dominating always the Egyptians, and without any mercy.
The egyptinas are subdues and free elections were carries out but the military junta always rules with authoritarian rule.
The new eclections have given access to the Muslim brotherhood always active but gave no results in establishing Islam the religion of the 70 millions of Egyptians. No Islamic law is implemented and the moppet show of the Muslim brotherhood parliament remains sterile and useless in the implemenation of Islam.
In all the history of the Egyptians there was not one single moment where the Egyptians themselves decided their own lives and their destiny. It was decided for them by he Pharaoh and now by the new Pharaonic junta rule of the military. the Muslim brethren party is nothing but a puppet in the hands of the military. They are weak and useless.
The rule of God has always lacked in Egypt and the Egyptians were subjected to everything except the rule of God, the law of God simply does not exit, not even under the parasite Arab Caliphs, who were working for their self-flroy and not the glory of God as they were commanded by Islam. Now the Muslim brothers came to acquire political and social positions, they are contended with what they have acquired forgot about Islam. God is the last idol in Egypt. Only worshipped by few individuals in their private lives and His name is only invoked in at funerals and in Mosques on fridays.
Where is the rule of God and where is God in the lives of the Egyptians, only menas to power and then forgotten!
Referndums and direct democracy were and stil are the easiest means for the rule of the people and the application of the rule of God. Islam calls for the rule of God and the authority of God, Muslims could conduct their affairs by such popular refendums and applythe law of Gd in their lives, but Muslims in Egypt are but shadows of islam and have forsaken their Islam, and their God , for worldly gains.
No Pharaoh, no one individual, no one ruler, king, caliph of president can dominate the lives of the Egyptians if they did not wnat to, if they rejected the system of the one-man-ruler and they took the politicla , economic and social decisions in their hands then such pharaonic rulers would have disappeared and uptooted from the society. It is the Egyptians to blame, their submissiveness and their acceptance of the one man dominance that inflicted on them such a calamity and such a slavery throughout the centuries.
For over fourteen centuries Islam was not the rule, and God was not the authroity, nothing but the rule of individuals and the rest of the people are subject to the rule of the individual. When Egyptians say no to the one man rule system then they themselves decide their destiny and their politices. God should be at the end of societies and not human beings, especially individuals and personality cults. Human idolatry is forbidden in Islam and is dgrading for humans and human dignity.
Only when Eygiptians come togerther to decide in referendums their lives and God is taken as the head of the society that they will get rid of the Pharaohs and equality and justice will finally reign.
Read more about these themes in the Journal of Direct demcoracy and God.