Credit Card Reduction Know How
The first thing you can do is to pay more than the minimum. This will shorten the time you'll have to pay your debt, which will cost you less because the interest won't pile up. If this doesn't work, snowball your payments by transferring debts to a card with the highest balance available and with less interest. This way, you focus on paying only one card and saving money on the interest. Another way is to cash out your savings account and, by doing so, be able to finish off all your debt. If your savings aren't enough, you could cash in against your insurance. Just make sure to pay back what you took so that the benefactor will get a bigger amount. You could renegotiate terms with your creditors. Explain your situation accurately, tell them you're not able to pay the entire amount, and that, making a commitment to pay them small amounts, is still better than when you file bankruptcy and you won't be able to pay them back entirely.
Credit card reduction is really never easy. Different ways to get the money you need is by being creative, recognizing your gifts and abilities and knowing what you can do to pay off your debt. Get a job, if you already have one then look at a second job. Use your hobbies to make money. Make a garage sale. Or better yet, if you want to stay out of debt keep yourself from using your credit card too often, only use them for emergencies. Check your lifestyle and evaluate what you can and can't do without. Keep your expenses within the budget you can afford. Be wise, creative and persevering and you'll see your debt go down to zero.