A Hemorrhoids Treatment At Home For Mild Cases
Hemorrhoids are damaged and swollen blood vessels in the rectum or anus and most adults have had them at some point in their lives.
Hemorrhoids treatment at home is possible fortunately, but treating them with a topical ointment and trying to shrink them by using ice packs may give temporary relief, but if they keep coming back then you need to look at why you are getting hemorrhoids regularly.
The secret to getting rid of hemorrhoids for ever is to establish healthy bowel habits, which start with diet and water intake.
The hemorrhoidal veins inside the rectum become stretched and thin because of straining to defecate.
They also become itchy and irritated because the stool that passes over them does not contain enough water and acts like sandpaper if you will.
Any hemorrhoids treatment at home should begin with blotting the anus with either an over the counter moist towelette or toilet paper moistened with water, after a bowel movement.
It is essential to keep the area clean, hard as that may sound, and never scratch, as this can lead to infection.
Baby wipes will work just as well.
If you are one of the rare owners of a bidet in the US use it to cleanse the anal area thoroughly after a bowel movement, or take a quick shower.
Do not use soap that contains perfumes or dyes as it will irritate the area more.
Blot, don't rub the area dry gently.
If the area is painful you can take acetaminophen, aspirin, ibuprofen or naproxen, and the latter will help reduce swelling.
Apply an ice pack for 10 minutes as often as you can, alternating with a warm - not hot - compress.
A hemorrhoids treatment at home will also be greatly helped by taking a sitz bath several times a day.
Just fill your bath tub up with enough warm water to cover the area and sit for 15 minutes.
If the swelling is really bad, it may be a good idea to take a couple of days in bed, arrange your pillows so they relieve any pressure on the area, as standing for long periods causes more pressure.
Don't lift anything heavy for a few days as this increases pressure on the veins.
Wear absorbent cotton underwear and loose clothing if possible.
The next step in hemorrhoids treatment at home is to look at your diet.
The reason why you are having problems passing feces normally is often because of poor diet and/or not drinking enough water.
Include plenty of vegetables, fruits, pulses and whole grains in your diet and always drink at least eight full glasses of water every day.
The water simply acts as a lubricant and softens the stool so it can be easily passed.
You will be able to tell if you are drinking enough water by the color of your urine - it should be very pale green, any darker and you need to drink more.
Changing your diet after your home hemorrhoids treatment will ensure that they won't come back again! Of course before beginning any home treatment you should call your doctor first.
Hemorrhoids treatment at home is possible fortunately, but treating them with a topical ointment and trying to shrink them by using ice packs may give temporary relief, but if they keep coming back then you need to look at why you are getting hemorrhoids regularly.
The secret to getting rid of hemorrhoids for ever is to establish healthy bowel habits, which start with diet and water intake.
The hemorrhoidal veins inside the rectum become stretched and thin because of straining to defecate.
They also become itchy and irritated because the stool that passes over them does not contain enough water and acts like sandpaper if you will.
Any hemorrhoids treatment at home should begin with blotting the anus with either an over the counter moist towelette or toilet paper moistened with water, after a bowel movement.
It is essential to keep the area clean, hard as that may sound, and never scratch, as this can lead to infection.
Baby wipes will work just as well.
If you are one of the rare owners of a bidet in the US use it to cleanse the anal area thoroughly after a bowel movement, or take a quick shower.
Do not use soap that contains perfumes or dyes as it will irritate the area more.
Blot, don't rub the area dry gently.
If the area is painful you can take acetaminophen, aspirin, ibuprofen or naproxen, and the latter will help reduce swelling.
Apply an ice pack for 10 minutes as often as you can, alternating with a warm - not hot - compress.
A hemorrhoids treatment at home will also be greatly helped by taking a sitz bath several times a day.
Just fill your bath tub up with enough warm water to cover the area and sit for 15 minutes.
If the swelling is really bad, it may be a good idea to take a couple of days in bed, arrange your pillows so they relieve any pressure on the area, as standing for long periods causes more pressure.
Don't lift anything heavy for a few days as this increases pressure on the veins.
Wear absorbent cotton underwear and loose clothing if possible.
The next step in hemorrhoids treatment at home is to look at your diet.
The reason why you are having problems passing feces normally is often because of poor diet and/or not drinking enough water.
Include plenty of vegetables, fruits, pulses and whole grains in your diet and always drink at least eight full glasses of water every day.
The water simply acts as a lubricant and softens the stool so it can be easily passed.
You will be able to tell if you are drinking enough water by the color of your urine - it should be very pale green, any darker and you need to drink more.
Changing your diet after your home hemorrhoids treatment will ensure that they won't come back again! Of course before beginning any home treatment you should call your doctor first.