How to Be Successful With Public Speaking
Many fear speaking in public more than they may fear death.
The thought of humiliating yourself in a public forum gives many nightmares.
The best way to overcome such fear is to start off slow and simple.
To begin with you will want to make you first public speech to a small group of your peers.
I did this approach as back in college I completed my speech class requirement by completing a summer course that had a minimal amount of students in a laid back environment.
This was much more appealing and comfortable for than attending one of the larger and more popular speech classes.
One you have given your first speech to a small group than simply build on that.
Take it one step at a time by giving speeches to slightly larger groups.
As you do this you confidence and comfort level with increase with every speech.
Pick and choose who you speak to, you do not want to speak to an angry group of people while you are still building your confidence level.
The nest step is organization.
The more organized you are the better you will perform.
Do no try to memorize your speech for it make come out flat or monotone.
I am a firm believer in use those small index cards with main topics and facts to scan as I speak.
Practice several times before your speak.
For best results practice at the place where you are to speak.
Speaking out loud to an empty room while make you more comfortable when speaking.