Breathe Easy in Colorado: Understanding High altitude sickness
High altitude sickness is not an issue of age or sex. However, your physical fitness will determine how well you could adapt to the situation in high altitudes beyond 3000 meters. For someone who might have tried going vertically to peaks and higher elevations, the imagery can be spectacular but one has to take it easy in the first few months. This is what they call acclimatization. By acclimatizing the body before doing things up in the mountains, you are one step further for an engaging experience without that much health risks.
If you are going to Colorado, there are some neat tips that you might want to take advantage of:
Don't get sick and calm down. When going to elevated destinations across Colorado, you need to prepare physically and mentally. First, avoid catching a cold or flu when going in higher elevations. The reason is that the higher the elevation is, the harder these respiratory illnesses could be healed and you might become a liability for your friends or team. Next, make sure that you prepared well for a high altitude trip. Getting too anxious or worried could result to hyperventilation which is a massive issue when in high altitudes.
Get your set of medications ready when taking a trip to high altitudes. Aside from the regular meds that are staples for travelers, it is vital to get meds specifically designed to address conditions related to high altitudes. If you have asthma, you might want to bring your very own tank of oxygen or a portable one though a recommendation from a doctor might be necessary to avoid the risks that could happen while traveling to high elevations.
Do some stops every now and then. The problem with others is that they try to rush things out so they lose their stamina, they breathe much heavily and might risk bigger high altitude sickness. As you go up every couple hundred meters or a thousand meter up, try to relax and bask on the wonderful scenery that you can find. This means traveling up can be more time consuming than traveling across plains due to the fact that we are more used to lower elevations.
Follow these tips and your trip to Colorado will be successful. As a traveler, it is expected of you to follow these tips since at the end of the day, these tips can help improve the chances of you enjoying Colorado than you could ever imagine.