A Simple Diagnosis of American"s Problems
Because the media is controlled by the very group that caused the problem in the first place, most of you will hear only propaganda on the news.
We don't have a clue what is truly wrong...
we just know that we are very ill, and that our personal, and national, economic health is failing fast.
I like to use the example of medical illness.
Unfortunately most doctors only have the time to treat the symptoms, rather than finding the cause, and curing our actual problems.
And many of today's drugs simply treat symptoms.
The condition, often causing additional problems, may continue, until we change our diets and lifestyle, or the illness will continue.
We can relate this situation to government.
We hire congress members to protect our rights, and act as our economic doctors, so to speak.
So what are lawmakers doing about fixing our problems? They are renting phony money, created by a private company who simply prints it, and they only pretend to solve our economic illness.
Their diagnostic equipment is seriously faulty, and they simply provide band aids to make us believe they are solving our illnesses...
when they're not.
They work for the organization that pays them...
the international one-world government that is positioned to take over completely, once they succeed in writing enough controlling laws.
Then they will collapse the economy (possibly this year).
The one-world government will then step in to save the day...
and you will be their slave.
It is deviously being set up in numerous ways.
We will continue to suffer numerous so-called natural disasters that are seemingly impossible to predict...
or are they? Weather can be seriously altered, earthquakes can be easily stimulated with current technology, debt can become unmanageable, and banks can stop making those loans that give us our illusions of prosperity.
We will then be at their mercy...
and it's very close to happening! Do you think I'm making this up? Think about it.
Government now controls: Your assets The media The banks Our employers Manufacturing Much of the insurance industry Health care Much of the auto industry The mortgage industry Our water Our minerals Our roads Taxes Very soon - our food -- (genetically modified crops (seeds are sterile, and must be purchased each growing season)) And we are powerless to do anything about it! I wrote this very quickly, and probably left out a few things.
I encourage you to send comments and remind me what I missed.
What else do they need to control your life? Let's be realistic -- as long as we go along with all those controls, we are at the mercy of those who control us.
Make no mistake Americans, you own practically nothing! Those assets you have worked so hard for, don't belong to you - they belong to government, owned and controlled by the International Monetary Fund (created by the United Nations)! I explain this in numerous ways in my writings.
You've been duped - big time! In fact you don't even know who you are (I'll bet).
It won't be long before Americans live under so much control, and with so much fear of government, that we bow to corrupt leaders, and thank them for allowing us to serve them.
Yes, change must take place...
and that change is to restore our individual constitutional rights and freedoms, rather than migrate to socialism, and ultimately fascism.
Tragically we're almost there now.
So how can we make this change? Well, it's obvious.
We must first diagnose the illness, make lifestyle changes to actually cure it.
Unless we understand how it all happened, we will continue to be deceived, until it's too late.
I'll explain it in a way you will understand...
and together we can restore the rights of the individual.