Auto Insurance Tips - Things That Can Make Your Car Insurance Premiums Higher Then They Should Be!
Do you pay a lot for your car insurance? Have you ever looked into why you pay the price that you do? There are the obvious reasons - five fender benders in a year do not come cheap.
Here are the sneaky things that cause your car insurances prices to creep up: The theft rate of your car.
Seemingly modest vehicles have been known to top the theft list.
Know what you are buying; don't shell out sports car insurance prices for your family sedan.
The same rule applies to cars with expensive parts and low safety ratings.
Verify your driving record.
Someone's typo could be costing you big money.
It wouldn't hurt to check in with your DMV to be sure your record is correct.
Do you have more than one car? It is often to your advantage to add a second car to your auto insurance plan.
Adding your house to your insurance plan may also make you eligible for special discounts.
Consider dropping collision coverage on an older model car.
This will prevent you from paying out more than the car is worth.
It is often cheaper to pay out of pocket to fix an older car.
Is there a teen driver in your household? That will cost you.
Check to see if your auto insurance company offers discounts for good grades.
The type of car your teen drives can effect the price you pay for insurance.
Auto insurance companies prefer that teens drive a modest, heavy vehicle with safety features.
Heavier vehicles make it harder to drive recklessly and can lower the risk of a collision.
Finally, don't forget to shop for the lowest rates! It is easy to compare auto insurance quotes online.
Make sure you are getting the best deal out there.
Here are the sneaky things that cause your car insurances prices to creep up: The theft rate of your car.
Seemingly modest vehicles have been known to top the theft list.
Know what you are buying; don't shell out sports car insurance prices for your family sedan.
The same rule applies to cars with expensive parts and low safety ratings.
Verify your driving record.
Someone's typo could be costing you big money.
It wouldn't hurt to check in with your DMV to be sure your record is correct.
Do you have more than one car? It is often to your advantage to add a second car to your auto insurance plan.
Adding your house to your insurance plan may also make you eligible for special discounts.
Consider dropping collision coverage on an older model car.
This will prevent you from paying out more than the car is worth.
It is often cheaper to pay out of pocket to fix an older car.
Is there a teen driver in your household? That will cost you.
Check to see if your auto insurance company offers discounts for good grades.
The type of car your teen drives can effect the price you pay for insurance.
Auto insurance companies prefer that teens drive a modest, heavy vehicle with safety features.
Heavier vehicles make it harder to drive recklessly and can lower the risk of a collision.
Finally, don't forget to shop for the lowest rates! It is easy to compare auto insurance quotes online.
Make sure you are getting the best deal out there.