"Belief In Bush" For The Last Six Years Has Done Wonders - For Bin Laden
After six years of watching him dismantle our bill of rights and our constitution, I would say Bin Laden doesn't hate America and our freedoms as much as our president does.
During the Address to a Joint Session of Congress and the American Peoplehe gave right after the towers fell, he said "Americans are asking, why do they hate us? They hate what we see right here in this chamber -- a democratically elected government.
Their leaders are self-appointed.
They hate our freedoms -- our freedom of religion, our freedom of speech, our freedom to vote and assemble and disagree with each other.
" Despite our president'sfamous comment to get Bin Ladendead or alive and despite spending billions of dollars to "fight terror", Bin Laden is still around and al quaeda is as strong as ever.
The cost to the American people can not be countedin just wasted dollars; our president used the 9/11 crisis to eliminatecritical freedoms long associated with democracy, like habeas corpus and many other privacy rights, leaving us with a government foreign to anything our founders envisioned and more like what King George III had in mind back in 1775.
Has he been channeling King George? Because it would answer a lot of questions.
The recently issued National Intelligence Estimate or NIE strongly suggests that the net result from president Bush's Iraq war has been a boon for radical islamist recruiters around the world and Iraq itself has become an invaluable training ground for future terrorists that want to kill us.
He was warned that this would happen if he unjustifyably invaded Iraq.
He has truly outdone his father and changed America in ways Bin Laden could only have dreamt about.
President Bush's constant drone of fear mongering has fulfilled our enemy's desires and his war of choice in Iraq has helped cause a significantly increased threat of terrorism thus creating a self-full filling prophecy.
Newly minted terrorists swayed by his violent and destructive occupation of an Arabic country has either reinforced or convincedmany Muslims that he has waged a jihad against them and their religion.
The Mid East is catching fire and our commander-in-chief has supplied plenty oftinder.
Reluctant Mid East allies like Pakistan, Egypt, and Jordan are seriously concerned that they will pay for their support.
The people in Saudi Arabia will also suffer as that country clamps down even more on their people to stay one step ahead of the growing radical islamic movement.
Lebanon has been on guard since Isreal decided to wage a poorly conceived miniwar against them.
Hamas battled Fattah out of the Gaza strip so suddenly president Bush and Israel are making nice with Abbas.
Turkey may start a war of their own against the Iraqi Kurds to keep them from establishing their own state.
But enough about our foreign policy fiascoes; president Bush has earned infamy here at home as well for his lackluster efforts in Louisiana.
The Katrina story has become one big blot on his record, the recovery effort in New York is proving to be another one.
Six years after 9/11 the firemen and police departments still can't communicate effectively if another attack occurs.
And many of those brave men and women who scrambled over the smoking pile of Twin Tower debris are now suffering debilitating lung disorders which his administration could have prevented.
Judge Deborah Batts made a ruling in a 83 page decision that the EPA purposefully misled people about the air quality aroundthe Twin Towers after they fell and denied Whitman any immunity from a class action lawsuit.
Thousands of ground zero workers were told at the time that the air was safe to breath.
I am sure many would have worked on "The Pile" regardless, but many would have worn protective equipment if they knew the truth.
The air was toxic and EPA director Christine Whitman knew it was toxic.
As a result, thousands of people have developing the aptly-named World Trade CenterCough or WTC cough.
WTC cough is characterized by a diminished lung capacity painful breathing and chronic coughing which have disabled and killed several people.
The firemen who spent the most time there were immediately affected other victims soon followed.
According to a recent Mount Sinai study: oAlmost 70 percent of World Trade Center responders had new or worsened lung symptoms after the attacks.
oAmong responders who had no health symptoms before the attacks, 61 percent developed lung symptoms while working on the toxic pile.
oOne-third of those tested had abnormal lung function tests.
Did Bush tell Whitman to withhold all information which would delay the reopening the New York Stock exchange.
So six years later thousands of workers who helped our nation at a time of national emergency are facing a lifetime ofdebilitatingeffects waiting for the full effect of WTC to hit home.
Were those lives worth rushing the reopening of the financial district? How does he square all of this? How can answer for all of these world class disasters? Eric Edelman, the Defense Department's undersecretary for policy gave us a glimpse of one method he might plan to use to answer these issues, he steps back and bravely blames the critics.
Yesterday, Senator Clinton had asked the Pentagon to detail how it is planning for the eventual withdrawal of U.
military forces from Iraq.
As she once stated in May it would not be an easy logistical task to remove our equipment out of Iraq.
To everyone's surprise Edlemanresponded her thusly, "Premature and public discussion of the withdrawal of U.
forces from Iraq reinforces enemy propaganda that the United States will abandon its allies in Iraq, much as we are perceived to have done in Vietnam, Lebanon and Somalia," Edelman wrote.
I can see president Bush using this type of assertion plus shaving down the repeatedly moved goalposts as a means to fashion answers for six years of ineptness, cronyism, hubris, and disregard for our constitution.
He blames everyone who questions his decisions for all his failures, because the buck never stops at the oval office, especially when he is desperate to leave a legacy greater than his daddy's.
How about this for a legacy? oAl quaeda is as strong as ever.
oBin Laden is still alive.
oOur democracy is now "quaint.
" oRepublican obstructionists and mythical executive powers have reduced Congress to nothing more than a fancy focus group, a toothless tiger.
oThe Justice department and every other major government organization have been co-opted by political concerns.
oCheney outed a CIA spy without any consequences.
oThe spigot on trickle down economics has been turned off before the riches borne from unfettered government constraints on big business reached the middle and lower economic class resulting in more people living on the edge of poverty than ever before.
oMore Americans than ever have no health insurance.
oKatrina destroyed a large american city and he was unable to help rescue thousands of poor people from its aftermath.
oRacism has increased against immigrants.
oViolence in America is at an all-time high.
oThe dollar is at all time low.
oThe twin tower attack, thanks to his administration,is still claiming more victims.
oMore soldiers are killed and maimed every day in a lost war.
oAnd the country is more polarized than ever.
Did I forget anything? I am sure I have; each week the lead curtain surrounding his administration melts a little more under the glaring heat of an admonished press,to expose a new outrageous executive misadventure.
In light of this growing list of issues I am concerned is that if he becomes aware that his legacy is already circling the drainhe may do something even more outrageous to try and win back a few chips before he leaves the table.