Parenting Tips: Do You Have a Problem Putting Your Baby to Sleep Every Night?
Along with many other aspects of effective parenting, you surely are coming across numerous opinions about putting a baby to sleep. If you are a first time parent, and maybe even if you have several kids already, you may have unresolved issues about baby's sleep. Your friends, relatives, and colleagues may even take their own views on the number of hours babies need for sleep. Here are several insights and tips that you could follow. Take note that these have worked with so many babies. Thus, they are worth trying out. Remember that every baby is unique. You may have to know the behavior and likes of your baby to better take care of him or her.
Where should the baby be sleeping? There are several issues that normally touch parents. Is it appropriate to allow the baby to sleep with you on your bed? Should a crib be used instead? If you decide to use one, where should it be located, in your own bedroom or in another? Experts strongly advise against sharing the bed with your baby. This could be due to safety concerns. The baby could easily get trapped under the pillows and blankets, or worse, your spouse. You should also consider your sleeping habits. You could be a heavy sleeper especially when tired.
Always strive to put your baby on his/her back when putting him/her to sleep. Doing so could help the baby's breathing. Taking from this tip, avoid anything that could potentially interfere or affect breathing. In this regard, put away plush toys, comforters, and heavy blankets. Prefer using a firm mattress. In case you use a soft one, be careful and watchful as the baby could get his/her head stuck into it, making him/her unable to breathe.
Use a crib and place it in your own room. Doing so could help you make sure that your baby is sleeping safely at all times. You should also be available to attend to his/her needs. You could also opt to use a separate room, but be sure you hear the baby cry. Always make sure the room to put the crib in is comfortably, well ventilated, and clean.
Establish a sound baby sleeping routine. Doing so could significantly add to the comfort. It could also set as a clear signal for the baby to go to sleep voluntarily and automatically. You could set a bedtime routine through doing the following. Bathe the baby early in the evening. This activity could help the baby take a longer sleep at night. It would help if you would start bedtime by telling the baby a story or singing a lullaby. Follow it by cuddles and hugs. You could opt to further feed him/her before putting to sleep.
Dim the lights, but avoid making the room completely dark. You would notice that the baby would learn associating dim lights with sleeping time. Do not vary the routine you set as much as possible. Follow these parenting guidelines so that you could be able to avoid a great stress when putting your baby to sleep.
Where should the baby be sleeping? There are several issues that normally touch parents. Is it appropriate to allow the baby to sleep with you on your bed? Should a crib be used instead? If you decide to use one, where should it be located, in your own bedroom or in another? Experts strongly advise against sharing the bed with your baby. This could be due to safety concerns. The baby could easily get trapped under the pillows and blankets, or worse, your spouse. You should also consider your sleeping habits. You could be a heavy sleeper especially when tired.
Always strive to put your baby on his/her back when putting him/her to sleep. Doing so could help the baby's breathing. Taking from this tip, avoid anything that could potentially interfere or affect breathing. In this regard, put away plush toys, comforters, and heavy blankets. Prefer using a firm mattress. In case you use a soft one, be careful and watchful as the baby could get his/her head stuck into it, making him/her unable to breathe.
Use a crib and place it in your own room. Doing so could help you make sure that your baby is sleeping safely at all times. You should also be available to attend to his/her needs. You could also opt to use a separate room, but be sure you hear the baby cry. Always make sure the room to put the crib in is comfortably, well ventilated, and clean.
Establish a sound baby sleeping routine. Doing so could significantly add to the comfort. It could also set as a clear signal for the baby to go to sleep voluntarily and automatically. You could set a bedtime routine through doing the following. Bathe the baby early in the evening. This activity could help the baby take a longer sleep at night. It would help if you would start bedtime by telling the baby a story or singing a lullaby. Follow it by cuddles and hugs. You could opt to further feed him/her before putting to sleep.
Dim the lights, but avoid making the room completely dark. You would notice that the baby would learn associating dim lights with sleeping time. Do not vary the routine you set as much as possible. Follow these parenting guidelines so that you could be able to avoid a great stress when putting your baby to sleep.