Utility Grants for Low Incomes
- The Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program program -- a federal block grant administered by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services -- provides utility assistance grants to low-income households that pay a large portion of income toward utilities. The block grant is distributed to states that want to help low-income households. Eligible applicants must apply at their local social services agency, provided the agency participates in the program.
Applicants must provide several types of documentation, such as proof of gross income, current utility bills, proof of address and the number of household members. Eligible applicants may be required to enroll in a budget program with their utility company. Grants are offered once in a rolling 12-month period and the program also offers home weatherization assistance. - Several states provide emergency or hardship funds as a supplement to initial utility resource programs. For example, Pennsylvania provides a hardship program that assists customers who have "fallen through the cracks" of standard programs or require critical assistance. Typically, emergency and hardship assistance requires proof of utility shut-off in addition to income and household information. Applicants should contact the National Energy Assistance Referral Project (see Resources) or their utility company for information on applying.
- Community-based nonprofit organizations work to provide valuable services to community members. Many organizations have outreach programs that assist the homeless, low-income families or persons with disabilities. These programs receive grants and funds from other sources to assist with housing-related assistance. Applicants should contact their local social services agency for a list of organizations.
Churches also provide a number of community outreach programs. Many do not require membership and offer direct payments to utility companies. Furthermore, several charities, such as United Community Ministries or Interfaith Caring Ministries, provide one-time payments directly to utility companies. - Utility cooperatives are comprised of business owners and consumers who receive services. The business owners and consumers work together as a community that invests in the business for mutual benefit. As a result, cooperatives typically provide benefits, including energy assistance. Members of the cooperative and the company pay into a fund that supports members experiencing financial hardship.
Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program
Emergency or Hardship Programs
Nonprofit Organizations, Churches and Charities
Cooperative Utility Programs