Three Easy Tips to Lower Your Golf Handicap
Lowering your golf handicap is a long process.
Having a superior golf game entails: 1.
Hours of practice 2.
Constant analysis of your golf swing 3.
Golf drills to improve your weaknesses 4.
More refined execution of golf fundamentals 5.
Improve Game Management and Mental Focus.
But what can we do first to gain quick improvements that will help us become more motivated to learn more golf? Here are 3 doable tips you can start with to get you on your way to lowering your golf handicap.
Improve Your Short Game: Focus on Chipping and Putting Better Rather than working on the more complicated long distance golf drive right away, work on improving your short shots first.
For example, learn to chip the ball more accurately.
When chipping the ball, stand with your feet near each other and place your weight more on your leading foot.
Hit the ball squarely on the down swing but control the power because you want the ball to roll and not fly away.
Key Point for New Golfers: Hitting the Ball Hard Does Not Result in Longer Distance Golf Shots New golfers need to understand that hitting the ball hard like a baseball will not result in a beautiful long golf shot.
Instead what affects the distance and accuracy of the golf shot is the correctness of your golf fundamentals which in turn influences the overall speed and angle in which the face of the club hits the ball - and ultimately the distance of the golf shot.
So golfers should first develop a solid understanding of the golf fundamentals, and then work on the accuracy of their shots.
Then they can learn to maximize their golf swing speed and power to lower their handicap scores.
New golfers should also be reminded that having speed and power before building their shot accuracy is useless.
And accuracy is also impossible without first learning the fundamental elements of a good golf swing.
Be More Focused and Mentally Tougher Learn to keep your mind cool, positive, and relaxed during the game.
Don't dwell on bad shots but focus your mind on only your current shot.
And if you are playing with friends and colleagues, enjoy the group conversation but get focused when it's your turn to take a shot.
Remember to educate yourself properly on the correct fundamentals of golf and to dispel any wrong assumptions about the game.
Be patient about learning the fundamentals so you can more effectively learn how to make the impressive and exciting golf shots later on.
Having a superior golf game entails: 1.
Hours of practice 2.
Constant analysis of your golf swing 3.
Golf drills to improve your weaknesses 4.
More refined execution of golf fundamentals 5.
Improve Game Management and Mental Focus.
But what can we do first to gain quick improvements that will help us become more motivated to learn more golf? Here are 3 doable tips you can start with to get you on your way to lowering your golf handicap.
Improve Your Short Game: Focus on Chipping and Putting Better Rather than working on the more complicated long distance golf drive right away, work on improving your short shots first.
For example, learn to chip the ball more accurately.
When chipping the ball, stand with your feet near each other and place your weight more on your leading foot.
Hit the ball squarely on the down swing but control the power because you want the ball to roll and not fly away.
Key Point for New Golfers: Hitting the Ball Hard Does Not Result in Longer Distance Golf Shots New golfers need to understand that hitting the ball hard like a baseball will not result in a beautiful long golf shot.
Instead what affects the distance and accuracy of the golf shot is the correctness of your golf fundamentals which in turn influences the overall speed and angle in which the face of the club hits the ball - and ultimately the distance of the golf shot.
So golfers should first develop a solid understanding of the golf fundamentals, and then work on the accuracy of their shots.
Then they can learn to maximize their golf swing speed and power to lower their handicap scores.
New golfers should also be reminded that having speed and power before building their shot accuracy is useless.
And accuracy is also impossible without first learning the fundamental elements of a good golf swing.
Be More Focused and Mentally Tougher Learn to keep your mind cool, positive, and relaxed during the game.
Don't dwell on bad shots but focus your mind on only your current shot.
And if you are playing with friends and colleagues, enjoy the group conversation but get focused when it's your turn to take a shot.
Remember to educate yourself properly on the correct fundamentals of golf and to dispel any wrong assumptions about the game.
Be patient about learning the fundamentals so you can more effectively learn how to make the impressive and exciting golf shots later on.